Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ronald Reagan's 1961 speech on the perils of socialized medicine

"Now back in 1927 an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism the American people will adopt every fragment of the socialist program.

There are many ways in which our government has invaded the precincts of private citizens, the method of earning a living. But at the moment I'd like to talk about another way because this trip is with us and at the moment is more imminent.

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it.

Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it. We had an example of this. Under the Truman administration it was proposed that we have a compulsory health insurance program for all people in the United States, and, of course, the American people unhesitatingly rejected this.

So with the American people on record as not wanting socialized medicine, Congressman Ferrand said, if we can only break through and get our foot inside the door, they can we can expand the program after that. Well, let's see what the socialists themselves had to say about it. They say once the Ferrand bill is passed, this nation will be provided with a mechanism for socialized medicine capable of indefinite expansion in every direction until it includes the entire population. Well, we can't say we haven't been warned.

James Madison in 1788, speaking to the Virginia Convention said: “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

Now in our country under our free enterprise system, we have seen medicine reach the greatest heights that it has in any country in the world. Today, the relationship between patient and doctor in this country is something to be envied any place. The privacy, the care that is given to a person, the right to chose a doctor, the right to go from one doctor to the other.

But let’s also look from the other side, at the freedom the doctor loses. A doctor would be reluctant to say this. Well, like you, I am only a patient, so I can say it in his behalf. The doctor begins to lose freedoms; it’s like telling a lie, and one leads to another. First you decide that the doctor can have so many patients. They are equally divided among the various doctors by the government. But then the doctors aren’t equally divided geographically, so a doctor decides he wants to practice in one town and the government has to say to him you can’t live in that town, they already have enough doctors. You have to go someplace else. And from here it is only a short step to dictating where he will go.

This is a freedom that I wonder whether any of us have the right to take from any human being.

In this country of ours, took place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in world’s history. The only true revolution. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. But here for the first time in all the thousands of years of man’s relation to man, a little group of the men, the founding fathers for the first time – established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the God given right and ability to determine our own destiny.

This freedom was built into our government with safeguards. We talk democracy today. And strangely we let democracy begin to assume the aspect of majority rule is all that is needed. Well, majority rule is a fine aspect of democracy, provided there are guarantees written in to our government concerning the rights of the individual and of the minorities.

What can we do about this? Well, you and I can do a great deal. We can say right now that we want no further encroachment on these individual liberties and freedoms and that you demand the continuation of our traditional free enterprise system. You and I can do this. The only way we can do it is by writing to our congressmen, even if we believe that he's on our side to begin with, write to strengthen his hand. Write those letters now. Call your friends and tell them to write. If you don't, this program, I promise you, will pass just as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow. And behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country... until one day as Norman Thomas said, we will awake to find that we have socialism. And if you don't do this and if I don't do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This is just a tatic, don't lose focus!

I am embarrassed it has taken me this long to post! But, that's what niece and nephew living with you and two jobs create...not enough time for much else :-)

I just had to talk about what is going on right now with healthcare and the "Climate Summit" in Copenhagen. They are doing what we have heard they were going to do and that is overwhelming the system. They are a’mping up their tactics and their threats as the time to make the decision draws near.

Think about how the they are making several amendments to the healthcare bill in the Senate right now. They will do anything to get their bill passed, their "foot in the door" because once they do, they are going to barrel through that door with whatever they want.

If they make so many amendments that we cannot keep up with the changes, it becomes too much to keep track and they will confuse those they want to vote yes. It is a slide of hand trick and I pray it won't work. It is a tactic, no doubt. We, along with our elected officials need to recognize.

That is what they have to do, they have to have strategies, they have to use tactics, because if they were up front and honest about what they wanted, we would never go for it.

Think about what they are saying in Copenhagen... Gore is stating that there will be no ice caps by 2014... that's only 4 years away??? A pretty bold prediction if you ask me. One might question why he would make such a prediction, when we all know it isn’t the case. Because they just need their foot in the door. If they can convince people that they must act right this second, then it doesn’t matter if it actually comes true. They got their Climate regulation and I guarantee they won’t give us our $ back if they turn out to be wrong. The thing is, he will say anything now, including lies, to get it passed now. Because if it doesn’t pass now, it most likely will not for a very long time…so what do they have to loose… Nothing. This is another tactic. The must rush it through so we do not have time to think. I say we don’t pass a thing until we have time to think. Just a little thing I remember our Founding Fathers encouraging us to do and that is thinking for ourselves.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't think the words Thank You are enough

The fact there is only a day for the Brave Men and Women who fight, have fought and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, seems a shame to me. These brave soldiers give their entire lives, for many years at a time, so I can go buy groceries or be able to work and spend time with my family. Many of them will be working a 12 hour shift or longer, when we will be sitting at a table with our families on Thanksgiving. Or when we get to wake up to a tree full of presents underneath, they will be waking up on a cot and hoping they have enough water in a bottle to be able to brush their teeth. They don't just give their time, that time they spend would be unbearable to most, yet they do it with honor and bravely go out day-in-day-out knowing very well, they may not come home.

These men and women don’t just deserve a thank you or a facebook status update thanking them. We owe them our time and our appreciation. Even if all you can do is send a soldier a letter, or care package or if you can raise money to send troops items they need, anything helps. I think we all need to take the time to realize that someone else gave up his or her daily lives in comfort, so I can have mine. Please, find an organization; find a way to help them out. Because even if we can bring them just a glimmer of home while they are over seas or just a little happiness, we must.

(I actually became a Soldier's Angel: It is an organization that just gives you a soldier's address and you commit to writing them once a week and sending a care package once a month. It is more than worth the time and the effort is small. Please join and help a soldier's moral today)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Think outside the box

I was talking with a friend last night that categorizes himself as a Republican. Talking with him on Politics gives me new perspective on my own views. I don't think I am Republican. I would have considered myself a Republican when Reagan was president, yes, I do believe a lot of my views were in line with the Republicans in the 80's, but today… I am having a hard time associating with the party. Why?? Because I do not believe they are holding true to their values, but I believe they left me, not the other way around.

But in my conversation with my friend I realized that today’s Republicans actually have a hard time thinking "outside the box". My friend proceeded to tell me that Romney was going to be our ticket to a republican in office after Obama and we need to put our support behind him to get Obama out of office.

I was listening to Glenn Beck the other day and I heard him say something to the effect that for the last couple decades we have been voting for the lesser of two evils, that is more than true. I have never voted for a candidate for as long as I have been voting because I believed in him. I just believed that he was not as bad as the other guy. For so long we have been voting, I have been voting that way. I have heard the term, “lesser of the two evils” hundreds of times in the past elections and you know what, I am tired of it.

Why do we have to only pick the lesser of the two evils? Why can't we have a choice of 2 qualified candidates that actually believe the views and will vote the views of the country? Why can't we demand that our candidates be held responsible for their actions? Why can’t WE hold them accountable to what we want them to vote? The thing is we can, but we just expect other to do the dirty work. But how can we do it?

The first step is we need to squash the media that tears apart new candidates just because they are viewed as a threat to those in office. The Obama campaign was a great example as to why we need to stop watching these news stations, even if they are the only new stations left, we cannot let them have our money and lie to us at the same time. We need to start to do our own homework and be our own watchdogs for this country. We have to bury them or make them see we will no longer accept smear campaigns like those forged against Sarah Palin during the 2008 Presidential election.

We also need to take detailed notes on what is promised by candidates in the campaign and then hold them to it once they get into office. I have emailed my Senators and Representatives videos of them promising one thing and then doing another and telling them I will not vote for them or support them if they continue to lie to me and my fellow constituents. I then email as many people as I can find and post information to show they are not keeping their promises. It is hard to deny videos (although they can claim the are edited… right???)

Can you imagine if we all did that, what a difference it would make? Think about it. If you constantly catch a child doing something wrong and you call them on it every time; they begin to think you are watching every move they make. When in fact you can't watch every move, but they are always aware that you may catch them and the punishment isn't worth the risk. We must do that with our politicians; treat them as children, because quite frankly they act like children.

So that brings me back to Romney... I choose not to throw my support behind him because it looks like he could win; I choose to throw my support behind a candidate I believe in. When I told my friend that Romney was about as political and shady as Obama in my opinion. He would never give a straight answer in the debates or when questioned and he actual tried to say that his Mormon faith would have no bearing on any decision he would make as President. That statement alone pretty much ensures he would never receive my vote. Last time I checked I am a Christian before I am an American and if I were President, my faith would be involved in every decision that I make. When I had made that statement to my friend, he said, "Well of course his faith would play a role, he just says that to make the homosexual community and abortion community happy, but once he gets into office he will do what he wants, they all do."

I believe that statement is what is wrong with this country. How can we ever get back to the America that was founded when we allow politicians, right or left, act in this manner. They can lie to us to get in, but once they get in, I know they will do what they want.

Is it too much to ask that I demand a candidate that tells me what they are going to do and then do it when they are in office? Is it too much to ask of us to not criticize every little aspect of a candidate’s life, because as we all know we are not perfect, right? I just want honesty. I want a person who will own up to their mistakes. To me if someone has made a mistake, I do not judge them on the mistake, I tend to look at how they handle the mistake, what they learned from it and how they have moved on from it. To me that is a measure of a person's character, not the mistake it's self.

We need to come back to being human beings and we need to, as American Citizens, demand our leaders be those with integrity and with morals and with faith, otherwise this country we know, will be lost. It will not be lost because of what the Politicians have done to it, it will be lost because we did not hold them accountable and because we didn’t think outside the box they created. Think like our Founding Fathers; dream the dream of a better Nation. We need to draw from their strength, they were against all odds, but because they were a Nation Under God, they prevailed and as bleak as it may look, if we return to that thought, a Nation Under God, this country will be what it once was.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The entitlement generation

I am not a parent. Nor do I want to be. But, our family needed help and my boyfriend and I took in his niece and nephew to our home full-time until their Mom could get back on her feet. Boy have I learned a lot about the world of children. I give it to you parents, it is a bit over whelming at first. Trying to teach them right, making sure you keep up with what they being taught in school and that it is what you want them taught, etc, etc. Wow, it is more than another full-time job that is for sure. But also what I have learned is that the world of children is much different today then it was when I was a kid and I was a kid not too long ago.

I have noticed two things, kids thought process is the same... they still want the latest stuff, they still want to be the cool kid and they still want to use toys and clothes and material things to do it. I remember asking my Mom for stuff, wanting Guess jeans or Stussey t-Shirts, but there was a difference…My Mother told me no. Things like that were a luxury we couldn’t afford and the famous saying was, "You don’t need things to be happy. You'll learn that what you have even now is much more than you need." I remember that lesson and I have decided to heed that advice in my life. And I believe it is the key to my happiness.

The difference with today's children isn’t the children; it's the Parents. The parents don’t say no, they say yes. Even if the Parents can't afford it, they still give it to their children and what does that teach them; It's ok to be in debt to have the things you want. Which is the key to unhappiness. We are teaching our children that it is ok to be in debt, it is ok to be a slave to that debt and it is ok to live your life to acquire things. Which, user in the nanny state and that’s where you get the following of the socialist movement by young people that is disguising it’s self as democracy.

What happened to saving for something before you got it? Instead people put it on a credit card because they want it now. Then Parents act shocked that their kids want things now…well that would be because you are showing them that is the way to act. The single best parenting tool is to live the word you preach. If I don’t think my children should lie, then I shouldn’t lie. If I want my kids to be respectful of people then I need to show that respect and appreciation so they will learn it based on my actions. The "Do as I say not as I do" approach to Parenting will never work.

But parents just don't care, they want things, so both parents work out of the home so they can afford things, instead of living more modestly and having one parent stay at home. People have children out of wedlock and then separate and the broken home becomes the norm.

We, the adults, are to blame for this mess we are in and the entitlement generation. We have taught our children to expect things. No chores, no contributing, they just get money; they just get things when we feel like we want to buy their love. How about making them earn it, making time with them instead of giving them something to make up for our lack of time with them. Spending some time getting to know your children and creating that bond instead of handing over an Ipod or new Iphone would mean so much more.

I know one thing, I may not be a favorite Aunt by not giving the niece and nephew things, but they will grow up better kids because I would have given them something more valuable then any item, love and time. That is the best gift of all. If our country turned back to some old school values, we would be the country we once were, but until we take responsibility for what we have done to this generation it will never change.

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's been a while...

So I haven't posted in a while and I have a great reason. I am no longer awarded bonuses at my job because of the failing economy and I took on a second job to make up for the lost income. Then we learned that we needed to help my boyfriend's sister out by taking his niece and nephew in to our home full-time. So needless to say, my time is pretty short now... but that got me to thinking. I made the decision to find another job and within 2 weeks, I found a great second job and I make great money doing it. My employer told me after I had started they were happy to have found me, because they were having a hard time finding applicants for the place... yeah, you heard me right. They couldn't find someone to even apply. So I thought to myself, why, when so many people are "hurting" in this economy, how could an employer not find an employee?

Then it came to me, it isn’t that people don't want a job, they just don't want to have to work once they get the job. The job I am doing is a server and I have to do most everything when I am there, even clean the toilets when my shift is done. People just don’t want to do that; living on government funds is a much easier route.

I had a friend who decided to go on unemployment and food stamps after they lost their job and they said, with all the government benefits for those out of work, they were able to make bills, feed their kids and not have to work. They could stay home all day. They however, have pride and don't want to continue living that way, but many people are finding out, hey... I don't have to work and I can make pretty good money.

The sad part is, it is never enough. Those who work for their money can be satisfied with less. When you have to part with your money that you worked long and hard for, you tend to think about the purchase. Is it a "want" or is it a "need". Can I make due with what I have, do I really need to buy this right now, etc, etc? But if you are given money, you tend to not ask those questions, because it isn't your money, so just spend it. That is how the system fails us. The fact that government funding can become a way of life is disgusting. If you can work, you should. I don’t care if you flip burgers, if you pick up trash, if you are the guy who cleans the sewers, if those are the only jobs that are out there, then take them, until something else better comes along if that's what it takes.

People ask me, so your salary got cut huh, that's why you're working a 2nd job? I say no, I am working a second job because I want to be able to save money every month, so I am not racking up debt and I will have a retirement at some point in my life. But people don't grasp that concept, they genuinely look at me, why kill yourself for your retirement and savings?? I say, because I only want to depend on me for what I need. That way if something happened to my jobs or health, I have money to support myself, not expect someone else to do it. That is one of the many things wrong with this entitlement generation and I fear it will only get worse.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I say we start small.

I am starting to get excited... the more I talk to people now, the more they sound like Americans who's eyes are open to what is going on in Washington. I used to be a minority. At a party, I would be the right wing, nut-job that was way far off from the center. I actually had a friend read my facebook page and say, you were more on point then I thought. WOW, someone admitting that perhaps the view of limited government is more center then right. I am amazed. Then I thought to myself, that is how we do it!

Do you have any idea how many people I have spoken with, shown information to, emailed, called, etc. etc. Most people would call me a loon. But, now I have a person who is opening their eyes to what I see. That is huge in my book and that is how we win. We just keep informing, keep doing research, so we know what we are talking about. If someone asks me a question in a conversation and I don't know it; I don't try to wing it. I simply say, I am not sure; let me check it out. Then I check it out. Be the voice of reason in your community and you will be someone that people listen to and take your word as truth.

So I say, keep it up, I believe it is starting to work. People are beginning to wake up to what is going on. As evidence with the 9-12 Rally this weekend in Washington, hundreds of thousands - a million showed up to show Washington, no more Corruption! NO MORE LIES! Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc, etc, all came together and said NO MORE! It was perhaps one of the biggest rally’s in US history. That is so exciting to me it is hard for me to sit still. It is happening, people are waking up and how did it start... well we all know it wasn't because of the media covering the corruption; it was because people like you and me spreading the word.

Keep it up, it is working!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The difference between a Democracy and Republic

Democracy: The main characteristic and unique feature of a Democracy is; Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, the Individual, and any group of Individuals(a minority), have no protection against the unrestricted power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority rules-over-Man.

Republic: Its function is to control The Majority firmly, as well as all others among the people, predominantly to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore the protection of the rights of all Minorities and the liberties of people in general. The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally restricted government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment; with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.

Just wanted to post it, because some people I talk to and debate in conversation seem to think we are a Democracy, just wanted to make sure I cleared that up :-)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conservatives are Evil

Please read this article -

Don't we all feel this way sometimes? I know I do. I want to have a conversation with anybody who wants to talk about the direction of this nation, but instead of a civilized debate, it turns into me being yelled at and comments like "I thought you were a smart girl," or "I didn't know you were drinking the kool-aide".

The part I find funny is the tactic of the ignorant to make you look like the idiot. I have seen ignorance on both sides, I have been in a debate with someone in a social setting and had a Conservative come up and try to support my point, only to botch the point and make it look like conservatives don't know what they are talking about, not just that person. First off, I never get baited into an argument I know nothing about. If you do, you just sound stupid. If someone tried to engage me in something I know nothing or little about I simply listen, take mental notes and then research what that person said. Hopefully, I will have the same conversation with that person at a later date and either back up their claims with facts or disprove what they presented.

I think that is a lot of the space between Liberals and Conservatives right now... ignorance. I think there are ignorant people on both sides, but I do find more that Conservatives do tend to be more informed then Liberals. Not to say all Liberals are stupid, they are not. The most genius, cunning and creative people I know are Liberals. the difference is, the truth is a lot harder to accept then a made up utopia, Progressives and Liberals like to work toward. Conservatives tend to look into issues. Try to support their opinions with facts, real facts, not just claims. Usually that is why they are Conservative, it is because they have looked into the issue, not just regurgitate wheat the media has spoon-fed them.

I believe a lot of the reason Conservatives are Conservatives is because of A.) Faith in God and B.) the desire to seek the truth. I was raised in a very Liberal household. Both my Parents are extremely Liberal and vote based on the Democratic Party. There is no research, they are presented with one side and instead of looking into the other side, they just accept what they hear first and take that as truth. Trust me, me being the Conservative I am and the Liberals they are, we have had some colorful conversations over Thanksgiving meal, but I do notice one common thread in most of our debates. Even though they are my parents, they try to use any means possible to discredit me in their own heads, because they do not like hearing the truth, the truth they know in their gut is right. An example is one Holiday meal we were discussing politics and WWII came up. I got the date of the war ending incorrect, from that point on my father used that as the example as to why I didn't know what I was talking about. He specifically said, "You can’t even get the date of the end of the war right, how can I believe anything else you are saying."

At that point what can you do? There is nothing you can do; if someone would use the fact that you got a date wrong on a war, in which the date of the war ending serves no baring on the point of the conversation, you are talking with someone who is not debating, not have a conversation, they want you to listen to them and just accept what they say as truth. At that point, I just stop talking. A lot of times they like to listen to themselves talk, I do find that a common trait among Liberals. For people who talk down to "rich white guys” they sure are wealthy and rich and want the appearance of intelligence. For people who tout tolerance of differing views and differing lifestyles, what they mean is Conservatives need to show tolerance to their beliefs, not the other way around.

I don’t think I have ever called someone an idiot or stupid in a conversation or debate. I have never been the first to raise my voice. Have I raised my voice; I can fall to that trap here and there, but I try to catch myself quick and just sit there and take it from the other person yelling. Because in the end, if anyone is watching, it is them who appear to be the ignorant one not me.

The agree with the author, it is seen as bad thing to be a Conservative these days, but I think it is just one of the crosses you have to bear to walk beside Christ. I attribute my faith as the reason for my choice to be a Conservative. My Faith is what molds most of my decisions, at least the good ones. I find that when I make the wrong choice it is because I did what I wanted to do, not what the God wanted me to do, and I always regret that decision. I always pray for the Lord to grant me patience in these discussions with people, let me be his voice in the debate. That I think is the main reason Liberals have it wrong. The do not give as much weight to their faith.

I truly believe you CANNOT be a Christian and believe in the Progressive Movement. I have met Liberal Christians who believe Abortion is wrong, who believe in gun rights, who believe life is sacred at all stages, etc, etc. But that is an old Liberal way of thinking and back in the day, I might have been one. But today's breed is not at all about common sense. It is about control, laziness and intolerance. It is about forcing their views on me and making me live by their creeds.

I don't care what kind of Christian a Liberal says they are, if you voted for our current President, you are not a practicing Christian. Any Christian who supports a candidate that supports abortion rights will have to answer for that decision on judgment day. The Bible asks us to hold our brother and sisters accountable. I choose to do that, when by the grace of God I understand the time is right. I say this prayer a lot to myself when trying to spread his word in the world of politics:

"Lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't and the wisdom to know the difference."
God Bless.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is anybody else offended?

Is anybody else as offended as I am? The fact that our President is lying straight to all the American people and has the nerve to tell our religious leaders, some people are "Bearing False Witness"? The man has never even spoken about his faith in depth other than I am a Christian. I don't hear how he basis all of his decisions on faith how he lives a life of faith, yet he is going to try and tell us to be moral in our decisions on health care? That’s what we are doing Mr. President!!!! Deny, deny, deny is their strategy and they are staying the course. But, we know what we have seen, what we have witnessed in these town halls, these people are lying to us to get what they want.

The difference is people couldn't see through the BS in the campaign, but I think they are now. The Progressives continually call us liars, a right wing extremist, "astro turf" and people who give “disinformation”. What are they doing, they are using extremist values to isolate and then ridicule to disassemble the American people pulling together as a community. (Who knew Community organizing would put a kink in the President’s plan J) Well guess what, it isn't working. We see through your lies, you promised the world and what you meant was you wanted to take the world. You don't want healthcare for all of us. Anyone can walk into a hospital and receive treatment. You want my money and you want power over my life and take away my freedoms, but sorry, I'm not willing to give it up. Freedom has been bred into Americans and we know when it is being taken away.

I hear politicians saying now they aren't going to vote the will of the people; they will vote the way they want to because they know what is better for us then we do, what? That is not freedom, that is not American, that is tyranny! We cannot depend on our elected politicians; actually they have become a lot of what we need to fight against to keep our freedoms. We need to look at the civil rights movement and use that as an example. You can threaten whatever you wish, we will not move from this bridge, this is my country and you can't have it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a quick thought...

I just have one, quick thought for today. Don’t you find it funny that Obama used to be a community organizer, Acorn is a Community Organization (along with many others) and the Democrats have used the tactics of Community Organization for years to discredit us and make us look like the minority?

But when the Conservatives and majority of the Christians in this country organize their communities to show up to these town halls, they say we are "Astroturf"?? This is hilarious! That means we are getting to them. See they thought that Tea Parties were a joke and if they just ignored us, we would go away. Turns out we didn't, actually them ignoring us just created more rage and concern.

So what's burning their hide so much to call all this manufactured rage?? The fact that we are using their tactics against them and it is working, perhaps? The funny part is they are accusing the Republican groups of paying people to be at the town hall meetings, when in fact that is what they are doing on the other side. They are trying to pack the town hall meetings early to keep us out. What is funny about that is the fact that they are keeping the everyday, average American out and just as ignoring the Tea Parties angered us, so will this. (We can't get there early, because we all work and don’t have all day to sit in a meeting for $20 for the day, LOL just kidding ;-)

I just find a lot of humor in the fact that we didn’t even know we were community organizing, we just all felt the same and showed up. We are not alone, we are the majority and I know if we stay on this path, one day they will have to listen… I just hope it is some day soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't piss on my Leg and tell me it's Raining!

So I have been like all of you. Watching the videos of Liberal Congress and Senators talking about how they are for a Single-Payer system in healthcare. Something I already knew, but I figured it was great that the videos are making the rounds, because people can see what a bunch of liars they are... telling us, oh no, our intention is to never make it a single-payer system... yeah right check out these videos:

Here's my boy Barney:

This is a good one of our President:
Here's another one of Obama and some now his advisors:

So these are just a few, but they pretty much have the same tone as the rest (if you need me to, I can send you many more, just email me. But for the sake of the length of this post, I'll keep it short) So I have to ask, do you think that those statements, by any of those people, were taken out of context? Where they given a spin job by the extremist rightwing nut jobs??? I don't think so and to be totally honest they just tell me what I already knew.

But here is the fun part; the White released a video in response to all these videos surfacing on the web and media. They obviously see the nightmare that is becoming their healthcare bill because people are beginning to wake up, so what are they doing, they are trying to isolate you and then ridicule you. They want you to think you are crazy and if you haven't joined the protests or you are on the fence about the issues, the White House wants to make sure you don't join their side! Watch their response to what the President and his colleges have said:

They say that facts are stubborn things... Yeah, stubborn for them! Conservative watchdog groups are beginning to form and people are beginning to talk and they are learning about the pile of "you know what" we were handed in the elections and told it was gold. The fact that they think we are this stupid means we can gain the upper hand. Apparently they underestimate our intelligence and we can work that to our advantage. Here is another good example of how we are just "Loud Shrill Voices" as described by Harry Reid:

People, these are our elected officials; last time I checked it is still law that they represent us. They are starting to feel the heat from the the town hall meetings and the tone is the anger they see in their constituents. We need to not only keep it up, but also turn up the volume. We can be silent no more. I fear this could be a point of no return if it goes through, but I am optimistic it could be a turning point for us. If we win this, the era of us fearing them will be over and them fearing us will be back. I'm not going to stand for these people pissing on my leg and tell me it's raining, what do I do when someone pisses on my leg, make them wish they never had :-) God Bless!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gotta love the lies on heath Care from our fearless leader!

This is what I received from the White House on health Car Reform: My comments are in (Parenthesis) ---Jen

Dear Friend,

If you’re like most Americans, there’s nothing more important to you about health care than peace of mind. (True)

Given the status quo, that’s understandable. The current system often denies insurance due to pre-existing conditions, charges steep out-of-pocket fees – and sometimes isn’t there at all if you become seriously ill. (So far not true for me, I have spent more on my dogs health bills than I have my own, plus I have discovered that I have a genetic condition and it has been quit costly for my insurance, I have only paid a total of $600 to take care of it.)

It’s time to fix our unsustainable insurance system(what makes it unsustainable? I agree Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable, because they are about to go under financially. But my insurance company is actually doing quite well. The only system in trouble is the Governments system, so what they really mean is, I don’t want them to have all the money, I want some of that money, so I am going to take all of the money and make you pay for it) and create a new foundation for health care security (The foundation is fine, he just wants to reinvent it to serve his purpose). That means guaranteeing your health care security and stability with eight basic consumer protections: (Oh these should be good)

-No discrimination for pre-existing conditions (This means, me who has no health problems or very little is going to be forced to pay for the health problems of someone else, except I can’t shop around for the best deal, I will be forced into this one)

-No exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles or co-pays (This means deficit increase, or lack of health care because it isn’t in the budget. Meaning I had better healthcare before the Government took over)

-No cost-sharing for preventive care (The way I see it, there is going to be a whole lot of cost sharing going on!)

-No dropping of coverage if you become seriously ill (No they won’t drop your coverage, they just will find way to make it seem like you don’t need care or have to wait for care.)

-No gender discrimination (I didn’t realize gender discrimination was going on now? I don’t know about you, but I have never heard of a person being denied based on gender. Preexisting conditions, yes, but not gender. This cracks me up, because they act as thought that is a problem now.)

-No annual or lifetime caps on coverage (No, they’ll just use euthanasia on you when you get too old or just let you die, ask a veteran, they’ll tell you all about it)

-Extended coverage for young adults (This means abortion, birth control, STD treatment, etc.)

-Guaranteed insurance renewal so long as premiums are paid (You have to pay us all we want, but we don’t have to give you the treatment you need. If a government official thinks you can live another year with that cancer and not die, you will wait. And if you die in that time period, oh well, one less person to insure.)

Learn more about these consumer protections at our website.

Over the next month there is going to be an avalanche of misinformation and scare tactics from those seeking to perpetuate the status quo. (There are going to be many people telling you the truth about what this would do to our Country financially and that your healthcare will decline) But we know the cost of doing nothing is too high. (Meaning, that everyday the government doesn’t have power over your healthcare, they more money the government is loosing.) Health care costs will double over the next decade, millions more will become uninsured, and state and local governments will go bankrupt. (Actually they are describing what will happen if the health Care Reform bills goes into effect, they messed up on this one, except it won’t be that you are not insured, it will be that your insurance refuses to give you health CARE! Big difference.)

It’s time to act and reform health insurance, drive down costs and guarantee the health care security and stability of every American family. (The healthcare Bill will do none of these; they will actually make all of these problems worse) You can help by putting these core principles of reform in the hands of your friends, your family, and the rest of your social network. (Become a Community organizer, so that we can make Acorn more powerful to control your lives, because that is the Progressive’s best tool to take over a nation’s government)

Thank you, Barack Obama (The guy trying to “redefine” your country)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who could be the leadership of tomorrow?

I was talking with a friend about leadership, especially the leadership we have in charge of our country right now, or should I say lack of, and in the conversation came an idea. What kind of person do we need to lead this country? We argue that the people in office right now are wrong, so who is right? I think if we ask ourselves that question, organize in our heads the traits we are looking of in our leaders, we can start to single out the good ones from the bad ones. Have a plan to choose our future leaders.

All I hear from people I speak with about politics is that they no longer trust either side, I say GOOD! This country wasn't built on a two party system. Republicans and Democrats where existent, but the parties were completely different then what they are today. This country was based off an up and down scale, not a left to right. The up and down represent anarchy on one side and full government control on the other. Our Founding Fathers believed that we must find the middle. That this country was based on the individual, not the collective and that the Constitution MUST protect the individual's rights.

I believe the line of where we are on the scale of government has gone up, it started with the Bush administration and has skyrocketed under the Obama administration.

The leaders we have in office do not have my interest at heart, they have their own and guess what people, follow the money trail! If it puts money and power into their hands, let me guess what they will vote for. You think they are where they are because they vote the will of the people? No, they are where they are because when the people who want to give them money say “jump”, our politicians say "How high?"

What got me thinking about the leader we need is Sarah Palin. Yeah, she seems to have fizzled out and I agree, she could surprise us all and come back stronger than ever. I think she believes what she believes and I think she does what is right. I think she made a mistake on letting the McCain campaign tell her what to say, because I do believe she came off as not being sure about her leadership abilities. I did research on her as far as what she did for the State of Alaska and you can't accomplish all of what she did without being articulate, well educated and having morals, which I think are virtues seldom found in politics these days.

I think what is her downfall is, is her devotion to her family and doing what is right. Is that bad, not really, I think it is good, but when you have that trait and media and politicians know that and use it against her, she is doomed from the start. Plus, what is a way to get a good Governor out of office, make it so they can't work and become a burden on the state. File as many ethics violations as you can, even though they are warrentless and have no merit, she still has to pay to fight them, or should I say Alaska has to pay to fight them. Because she has morals and realizes that they have pretty much neutralized her leadership abilities, she needs to resign. It's quit brilliant of the other side if you ask me, shady as hell and wrong, but it worked, right?

The problem is none of the ethics violations came back against her, they have all been dismissed. But that is what the progressives are best at, twisting and manipulation something that is meant for good to work for their purpose? Taking a law to prevent devious acts and use it to get a good politician out of office. And what do you hear about on the news, you hear how she has 18 ethics violations against her, you don't here they are all dismissed and the majority of them are filed by the same people and groups.

I think her biggest mistake was saying "how high" when McCain said "Jump". Which is a trait of today's politicians, but she was a rookie. If it were a set of different circumstances, I think she could have been a great leader. But, maybe she choose her family over the circus we call Washington. Can you blame her? I know I can't. I have been persecuted for things I haven't done and I tell you, it is no fun. Not anywhere close to the extent she has, but I think what disappoints me about her decision is I hope it doesn’t teach others to quit when the fire gets hot. I figure if the fire is getting hot, you’ve hit a nerve and keep pushing. The Lord will protect you. Not without burns and injuries, but you will succeed, especially when you are doing what is right.

So if currently, Sarah Palin isn't looking like the leader we have all hoped for, then who will it be? It has to be someone with the drive and determination of someone who truly believes in this country. Because you have to think, if a true leader emerged, it wouldn't be from either party and they would not only need the mental support of this nation but the financial support of the citizens. It would have to be someone who could inspire people to be the patriots our Founding Fathers were and get them to live the life of the True American. To be self-reliant and live for what is right, not what you can get for free.

They would have to have a tough skin, because you know the barrage of attacks that would come from the Republicans and Democrats, media, special interests, etc. etc. would be huge! I think a lot of people are worried about their dirty laundry being on national television for all to see. Can you blame them? There are things in my past I would like to keep there, but would be brought up and I would have to answer for them and who likes to do that? But, they would have to just be honest. Don’t hide your past, embrace your past. Explain how those past mistakes, made you the person you are today. Explain how through those mistakes they can empathize with people in the same situation but can be a guide them on how to get out and by doing the right thing. There is nothing more honorable than owning up to a mistake, and holding yourslef accountable. If a person could not respect that, chances are it is because they don't share the same backbone you have.

I think people are just craving honest and actual transparency, not just talk about it. I think that's why people bought into the Obama that was sold during the election. He said all the right things; problem is he hasn’t delivered on any of it. I guess he has delivered on the part of "remaking America". But people just want to know what is going on, so they can feel good about the country their children are being raised in and their future is stable.
We need just an Everyday Conservative to bring this country back to where it once was. I hope they’re out there. I pray every night to give the strength to the person who could bring actual hope back to the country, not a false premise of one. It could be me, but it could be you!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Progressive Movement

I was going to do a posting about health Care Reform, but I decided to concentrate on the macro, instead of the micro. I don’t know if you have done any research on the Progressive Movement, but I challenge you to look into the history.

For a lack of better words, it is Communism with a facelift. You don’t recognize it as Communism, but the roots of the Progressive Movement were started by Communist.

They are a patient bunch of people and know the concept of taking inches to make a mile all too well. They have been working on this country since the early 20th century and so far, they are succeeding.

Why are they succeeding? Because they make little advances in their agenda, so little that most people don't even notice, or they think, "Oh that's not that big of a change". But look at the history and you will see how far we have deviated from where we began.

We began as a Nation that didn’t see right or left, conservative or Liberal, but up and down. The Founding Fathers were more concerned about how much Government is too much Government and how little Government is not enough. You have to find a happy medium. A medium where laws are given to the people that allow you the God given rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and the protection of your property.

The Progressives want to squash all that this country was built on. One of the main facets of American culture they want to dispose of is the Family. They have been working to tear down the Family Unit since the early 1900's. Because a stable family unit is what makes this country strong. The parents are both there to guide the children. The children have a sense of security and belonging. When you have a family you tend to care how your community is run because it affects your family. I could go on forever on the benefits of family, but I am sure you all know.

But when the family unit is strong, welfare is down, crime is down, health is better and the generations to come become productive members of society, not needing much help from the government to get by on a day to day basis. Of course that is no good for the Progressives.

If you can take care of yourself, then you don’t need them and if you don’t need them, then they have no power over you. It is quit simple actually, this movement is about power. They are not satisfied having power over their own lives and family, they want power of yours. Do you think the Government has programs such as welfare, food stamps and access because it wants to help people? Of Course not, if you are living based on what they give you, they own you.

Think about it, if they said, we are not going to give you your welfare until you have a birth control device implanted... I bet they would all get birth control devices implanted. This is a form of control and people are blind to see it.

The Progressive also, have a specific agends with a set of steps they are achieveing little by little until recently. Now they are in the phase where they are pouncing on the system to overload it. That is their tactic. If they can overload the system, the system will crash and fail. And guess who will be right there with a system to replace it, yup, the Progressives. If you bankrupt people, make them so there is no way to earn a living, no way to do anything on their own, they will have to come to the Government for help. And that is where the progressives step in.

I know, some of you are thinking I am crazy, but I have decided to look to history for my views. I have studied the Nazi take over of Germany and the similarities between what is going on now with America and Nazi Germany are startling. When the Government makes you think there is only way out, only one way to fix it and they twist and distort the truth to make it look like their way is the only way this country will survive and we buy it, people, we are in big trouble.

I have friends who tell me, oh no, that would never happen, we would never become that... Oh really. I am sure that is what the Jewish people of Middle Europe thought as well right before WWII, until it was too late.

Which brings me to health care reform. If anyone comes to me and tells me that the government run health care in Europe and Canada is so great and it is working well, how about they talk to some people who have experienced it. People are on 6 months to a year waiting list just to get treatment. People are dying because they can’t get the treatment they need, because the government is getting in the way of their freedom to health and decide what they want to do to survive. More and more Europeans and Canadians are coming to American to save their own lives, because they can pay for the treatment here.

I also look at the fact that the government has no successful agency that runs efficiently. The VA is a mess, Medicare is even worse and don’t get me started on Social Security. So why would all of a sudden they be able to run health care without a hitch. Not to mention the cost. But this is an iatrical part of the plan of control. This and Cap and Trade. They can control what we eat, where we go, how we use energy in our homes, how log we stay on the Internet, etc. etc. Freedoms are gone and for what to provide health care to people who already had options before for free health care? For people who still have to wait for treatment, but now I also have to wait for treatment.

All of this BS about, oh you can keep your health care if you like it, we will not force you do get anything you don’t want. It is all lies. What cracks me up is the body of evidence that we have been repeatedly lied to over and over again, yet people still believe what they are told by politicians. This is the worst thing for this country and will destroy us from the inside out. I pray for this country, but if things keep going the way they are going, I won’t have a country to pray for. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is a great article!!!

This young man gives me hope! He is a young, Black Conservative and he writes an article what it is like to be just that. These are the kind of people that give me hope for our future. Here is a link to the article:

Please tell me Jerome you are planning to run for office. because if this is what you stand for, you have my vote!!!!!!!

I don't think Obama is stupid, but....

I have been out of town for the last 10 days and went backpacking in the San Juan Mountain range in Southwestern Colorado. I had some time to think and this is one of the things i figured I would blog about when I got back. I have to admit, it was a little nice to ponder the macro view of what is going on with this country when you are not bombarded by the daily news focusing on the little things happening in this country.

One of the thoughts I have been saying to myself ever since Obama has been elected is that people can't be this stupid. People can't believe that Socialist ideas are going to work, since they have NEVER worked in the past. What i have learned about people is, yes they are that stupid. And why are they that stupid... because of ignorance and laziness. They just choose to believe the bill of goods these politicians are selling and don't take the time to check up on the history of Socialism.

I used to hear the saying " Those who choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it". As a kid, I thought well we know the history, we have it in books, we have people who study it, how could we possible repeat the mistakes of the past. How naive I was then. What I didn’t take into account was that there are versions of history. There is the history that actually happened and there is the history that people wish happened and therefore represent it as the history in their minds.

And you know what, I get that. I am a white woman, born in the USA not so long ago. I can tell you my view on history is a lot different than let's say a black man who grew up during the civil rights movement. I'm not saying we all look at things the same. But we do have history on nations as a whole, we do have history on the rise and fall of nations past.

So this got me to thinking, Obama is a smart man, no doubt. But I fear his image of the past is much different than what really happened. I read his books and I see the skewed image of America. He lived in a much different America than I did. We had a lot of the same circumstances as children. A Father who left, Grandparents who help the Mother raise the child, a poor upbringing. The difference between him and I, I didn't see it as the world giving me a bad hand; I coped with it and became a stronger person from it. He views it as he struggled so much that he doesn't want others to go through what he did. But I hate to remind him, it is the struggles in life that build character and integrity and that is why he is where he is today.

His view of a Socialist History is far from what mine is. And I fear people believe his history, not mine. I have to think of the old saying my Mother used to tell me when I would do something stupid because all my friends were, "If everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?" What a great saying to drive home to a child. It says so much. No I wouldn't jump off a bridge, I would find out the reason hy they were jumping off the bridge, I would want to know the risk, how high it was, what would be the safety measures, etc. etc. So why don't people do that with the future of our country.

I think there are several kinds of people in this world, followers, leaders, the strong ones and weak ones, the players on the field and the benchwarmers. Not everyone has to be a leader, but they do need to be educated. And with the internet and modern advances it is easier than ever. I don't see it as a chore, but my duty as a citizen to uphold what my Founding Fathers willingly offered their lives for and the countless men and women who dies for my freedoms. I choose not to be ignorant, I choose not to follow. I choose to be the citizen this Country will need in order to survive and if we all consciously make that decision, this country will be what it once was!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am buying mine tomorrow! Good Book Alert!

I just wanted to give all the Everyday Conservatives a heads up on the new book by Glenn Beck: "Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine" I know I plan to get mine tomorrow and so should you!! I'll write the review as soon as I am done.

"Open" letter to the Gornernment on how we feel

And when I say "Open" I mean any politician that would listen to "We the People"! Unfortunatly I don't think that is the case anymore. The only time we are heard by anyone is when we have a vote. Thank God we still have that right, otherwise, our freedoms would be solely in the politicians hands and that has to be the scarriest thing I can think of.

This is a letter, highlighted by Glenn Beck, that states one citizens frustrations with the state of our country and I can;t believe how it seems she took everything that I am feeling and wrote it down ina letter to the Government. This women and her letter is just what we all need to do. The issues she states are by far not everything we should concentrate on, but for now, I believe they are the priorities we need to focus on. I don;t know about you, but I am sick of writing letter of how disappointed I am with my Government, I want to start writing letters thanking my politicias for voting the will of the people. This is our chance to make a difference, hold them accountable to the majority! because getting abck into office is their #1 priority and that fate is held in our hands! (read letter below)


I'm a home grown American citizen, 53, registered Democrat all my life. Before the last presidential election I registered as a Republican because I no longer felt the Democratic Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. Now I no longer feel the Republican Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. The fact is I no longer feel any political party or representative in Washington represents my views or works to pursue the issues important to me. There must be someone. Please tell me who you are. Please stand up and tell me that you are there and that you're willing to fight for our Constitution as it was written. Please stand up now. You might ask yourself what my views and issues are that I would horribly feel so disenfranchised by both major political parties. What kind of nut job am I? Will you please tell me?

Well, these are briefly my views and issues for which I seek representation:
One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S., I'm not a racist. This isn't to be confused with legal immigration.

Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze, repeal.
Three: Czars, I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire the czars. No more czars. Government officials answer to the process, not to the president. Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.

Four, cap and trade. The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say.
Five, universal healthcare. I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don't you dare try to pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!

Six, growing government control. I want states rights and sovereignty fully restored. I want less government in my life, not more. Shrink it down. Mind your own business. You have enough to take care of with your real obligations. Why don't you start there.

Seven, ACORN. I do not want ACORN and its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them every time on every real estate deal that closes. Stop the funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending impartial audits and investigations. I do not trust them with taking the census over with our taxpayer money. I don't trust them with our taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before taxpayers get any more involved with them. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, hello. Stop protecting your political buddies. You work for us, the people. Investigate.

Eight, redistribution of wealth. No, no, no. I work for my money. It is mine. I have always worked for people with more money than I have because they gave me jobs. That is the only redistribution of wealth that I will support. I never got a job from a poor person. Why do you want me to hate my employers? Why ‑‑ what do you have against shareholders making a profit?

Nine, charitable contributions. Although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Butt out, please. We want to do it ourselves.
Ten, corporate bailouts. Knock it off. Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard times ahead, we'll be better off just getting into it and letting the strong survive. Quick and painful. Have you ever ripped off a Band‑Aid? We will pull together. Great things happen in America under great hardship. Give us the chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you more than you have disappointed us.

Eleven, transparency and accountability. How about it? No, really, how about it? Let's have it. Let's say we give the buzzwords a rest and have some straight honest talk. Please try ‑‑ please stop manipulating and trying to appease me with clever wording. I am not the idiot you obviously take me for. Stop sneaking around and meeting in back rooms making deals with your friends. It will only be a prelude to your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.
Twelve, unprecedented quick spending. Stop it now.

Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let's just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer. Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and a grandparent. I work. I'm busy. I'm busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I thought we elected competent people to take care of the business of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.

I entrusted you with upholding the Constitution. I believed in the checks and balances to keep from getting far off course. What happened? You are very far off course. Do you really think I find humor in the hiring of a speed reader to unintelligently ramble all through a bill that you signed into law without knowing what it contained? I do not. It is a mockery of the responsibility I have entrusted to you. It is a slap in the face. I am not laughing at your arrogance. Why is it that I feel as if you would not trust me to make a single decision about my own life and how I would live it but you should expect that I should trust you with the debt that you have laid on all of us and our children. We did not want the TARP bill. We said no. We would repeal it if we could. I am sure that we still cannot. There is such urgency and recklessness in all of the recent spending.

From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don't want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we're morons.

We want all of you to stop focusing on your reelection and do the job we want done, not the job you want done or the job your party wants done. You work for us and at this rate I guarantee you not for long because we are coming. We will be heard and we will be represented. You think we're so busy with our lives that we will never come for you? We are the formerly silent majority, all of us who quietly work , pay taxes, obey the law, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone and we are now looking up at you. You have awakened us, the patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful that it had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far. Our numbers are great. They may surprise you. For every one of us who will be there, there will be hundreds more that could not come. Unlike you, we have their trust. We will represent them honestly, rest assured. They will be at the polls on voting day to usher you out of office. We have cancelled vacations. We will use our last few dollars saved. We will find the representation among us and a grassroots campaign will flourish. We didn't ask for this fight. But the gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry. You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when hewill rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.

Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We don't care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you. You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them. Because we will get you fired and they will not save you. If you do or can represent me, my issues, my views, please stand up. Make your identity known. You need to make some noise about it. Speak up. I need to know who you are. If you do not speak up, you will be herded out with the rest of the sheep and we will replace the whole damn congress if need be one by one. We are coming. Are we coming for you? Who do you represent? What do you represent? Listen. Because we are coming. We the people are coming.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Safeway pushing homosexual agenda

I plan to stop shopping there until they stop pushing the gay agenda. It is one thing to live and let live, but quite another when I am being force fed their agenda everywhere I turn. I have made it a personal mission to stop purchasing anything from companies that push the gay agenda. The main one is PepsiCo. You would be surprised at all they own: Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Fri to Lays chip co. Aquafina and many more. Just as I have been told by PepsiCo, in a reply to a letter I sent them asking them to stay neutral in the cultural war, that they can support whomever they want, it is a free country; if that is the case, I can choose to not support them and any product associated with them. When you look into the extent these corporations are pushing this agenda it is amazing. Please look into it yourself and let these companies know you plan to boycott them as long as they stay on this path!

Like I said, I am not a homophobe. But I am tired of those pushing this agenda trying to force me to be tolerant of their lifestyle. I would never do anything other than treat any person with the same respect regardless of their sexuality; however, I am not going to afford them special rights. It is sad that this country is participating so heavily in reverse racism. I thought we fixed this with the civil rights movement when we all preached equality, I guess for the minority, equality was not enough. They wanted power over us and unfortunately, I think we are rolling over and letting them have it. I'm tired of the silent majority being silent. I no longer will be "Politically Correct". The way I see it, you don't like what I'm saying, move out of the US, because as far as I know I have Freedom of Speech and I plan to use it.

Take Action! (Info given my American Family Association)
Send an email to Safeway(, asking it to stop promoting homosexuality. Tell Safeway to remain neutral in the culture war.

After sending your email, please call your local store manager and let him/her know your feelings about the local poster display.

Be sure to let Safeway know if they continue, you will consider grocery shopping with their competitors.

Safeway wants you to know how proud they are to support homosexuality. In fact, they want you to support it too!

In Safeway branded stores across America, Safeway is placing large posters encouraging you to celebrate the gay lifestyle with them during the entire month of June.

Safeway is dedicating itself to promoting homosexuality. An AFA supporter in New Mexico reported to us that her local store also included a "WE SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE" poster. When she returned a day later to take a photograph of it, it had been removed because of the huge number of complaints by local customers.

Safeway owns and operates 1,516 stores in the U.S. Safeway operates under these names: Safeway, Dominick's, Vons, Genuardi's, Randall's, and Tom Thumb.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Am I the only one that thinks this is a load of sh#!

Read this article first:

Ok, are you as irritated and sick of this crap as I am? I don’t know why I thought she would be any different, but I guess I just expect too much out of a POSSIBLE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE. I suppose a backbone, moral and values are just asking too much.

Ok, let's just put the facts aside that obviously she is against individual gun rights and for abortion. I do not agree with her, but to be totally honest, in my opinion, her opinions shouldn’t matter. What should matter is how she interprets the constitution.

I just want one person to ask her, what does the 1st amendment mean to you??? How do you think it applies to this case or that case.

What does the second amendment mean to you and how do you think it should be applied?

What I am so sick of is people in power (mainly the people in government, which should not be the case, but that is another topic and rant for another day) they use their power to push their agendas. What ever happened to the idea of a Republic?? Her position should in no way be used to promote her agenda. But people have the inability to separate the two. And it appears she will be no exception.

How can a person, who swears to uphold the Constitution, say that gun rights do not pertain to the individual??? WHAT?!?! Are you blind??? In case you don’t know the exact wording of the Second Amendment, here it is:

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

So in what way can you see that “THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS” does not mean that the individual has the right to bear arms??? Where????? But that is what they do, they take something that is so simple, so blunt as that statement and twist into something it is not to make it support their beliefs or values. What scares me is not that she thinks we shouldn't bear arms, but why???

I think we all know why. With arms comes power. That is why the Founding Fathers gave THE PEOPLE that power. Not the Government.

We established however some, although not all its [self-government] important principles . The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved,) or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;

---Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824. Memorial Edition 16:45, Lipscomb and Bergh, editors.

The fact that Sotomayor is even a candidate just shows me how far off we are from where we began. I tend to think freedom is only as good as the people who possess it, respect it. I look around at my brothers and sisters of this country and I don't see a whole lot of respect for the freedoms we have. Unfortunately, that respect usually comes after something is taken away and by then, it is too late.

I just wish people would challenge themselves to think outside the box. To challenge themselves to research something on their own, rather than believe what the talking heads tell them on TV. I never take a person’s word for it, no matter how much a respect them. If I respect them and they tell me something, it only bears enough weight with me to spark my interest and look into it further to create my own opinion, once faced with all the facts. Sometimes I come to the same conclusions they did, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I find out more information then they did and once presented with that additional information their opinion changes.

I guess I took the advice of a basketball coach once that told me in grade school, "Never think you know everything or that you can’t learn more, because once you do, you are limiting your own potential. Just know there is always someone else out there smarter than you, faster than you, stronger than you and if you put a cap on your gains, mental or physical, you will never be the best."

You have to always be willing to learn, listen even to the other side. I listen to people who do not agree with me all the time, usually they don’t know half of what they are talking about, but you never know who will know what they are talking about, unless you talk with them.

I guess that is what the nomination of Sotomayor means to me. We are not learning and listening to the writing on the wall. If we keep this up, we will not be in the same country we were in as children.
God Bless!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I want a straight, white girl month!!!

I decided. I need a month, declared by the White House, that I am to be honored and given a break during that month to prance around anyway I see fit.

In fact, I want a parade! I want to be able to have the people who believe in my “Straight, White Girl”(SWG) way of life to be able to decorate themselves and their cars (perhaps a bike or two) in the honor that is SWG.

I also want Congress to start making laws that help protect my straight, white girl way of life. That way, if anyone does anything to me to harm me or cause me ill will, even if it isn’t because I am a SWG, they will be punished harsher than if...let's say they did it to a lesbian or gay?

Because let's face it, if someone does something to me, the SWG, it is a much harsher crime, then if it was done to any gay are lesbian. Because of my SWG ways, that makes me an unjustifiable target. I mean, I jog in the morning, I get ready for work, I work and then I go home to my family or go hang out with friends...

I know, I know, kinda sounds like the same thing gay and lesbian people do. But, I am special, because of the fact that I am straight and white and a girl! Can't you see, a crime against me is much more important than a crime against any homosexual. I want to make it so no criminal will ever harm a straight, white girl again.

And in my month, I want to have countless television spots that target children. I want to have a SWG day at all schools and government agencies. Oh, and I want "How to be Compassionate to a SWG " to be taught in a class to everyone in government agencies and private companies, so that they know how to treat me properly. Cuz, I just cannot stand it when people call me honky or they treat me different because I am a SWG.

So I declare June, Straight White Girl Pride Month!!!! Whoo Hoo, let's have us a dinner at the White House in Straight White Girl Style!

As stupid as the previous statements sound, it is very true, right? The only difference is replace Straight White Girl, with “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender”...then replace Gay & Lesbian with “Straight people”.

A simple rule of thumb, to see if a situation is fair; reverse the roles of the groups involved. In this case, for example, give the same rights to straight people, but not to homosexuals. Meaning give the straight people the law that protects them because of their sexuality and the homosexuals are given no special laws. I would think to myself, as a straight person... Aren't there already laws in place that protect me from theft, murder, and harm of several forms? What is it about my sexuality that makes my death more horrible than a homosexual? The answer... it doesn't.

Can you imagine if the President declared June, Straight Pride Month. It would be a field day for the ACLU or Homosexual Groups all over the world!

I think I am beginning to understand racism and discrimination as I get older and the country around me is changing. Many times I feel like, why do they get this and I can’t have that. Why am I seen as a demon just because of the way I think, act, look? It is beginning to be social unacceptable to be a straight, white person. At least, I have the whole gender thing going for me, but you boys, whoo hoo, you are out of luck!

Because we all know, " ...that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and start to fight, fight for the rights of the Straight, White Girl!!!! Who's with me???????

(All my statements above stem from the link below. Please read and think long and hard about what reverse racism means):

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Take on Obama's pick for Supreme Court Justice...

Today Obama made his announcement of whom he chose for the vacant seat in the Supreme Court. Am I happy about the decision... not so much… The reason, I fear she will try to make policy from the bench, rather than uphold the Constitution that she will take an oath to defend and enforce.

This is a woman who believes the 2nd amendment is not meant to be applied to individual... that is right, Judge Sotomayor is one of only three federal appeals judges to say that the Second Amendment does not stop your city or state from banning all guns, even in your home. In other words, Judge Sotomayor says that a ban like the D.C. gun ban struck down by the Supreme Court last year is constitutional if enacted by a city or state.


That means all this time, we have all got it wrong. You don’t have any rights, the government grants them to you and bends the Constitution any way they see fit to conform to what they want done at the time.

Sotomayor has also been recorded saying, "All of the legal defense funds out there, they're looking for people with court of appeals experience" because "the court of appeals is where policy is made."

This is the most frightening statement. The Courts are supposed to be free of politics, free of policymaking, free of bias. They are to be the only branch in the Government that is non-bias, politically free and blind as lady justice is in the statue outside the Supreme Court. Their one and only job is to uphold the Constitution and the laws on the books. It is not their job to make law, but to enforce it. Big difference!!!!

It seems to be a joke, all the lies we are being told by the current administration. Where is the bipartisanship, where is the motivation for truth?? Why can't this President just do what he says. But then again he did say he wanted to find a judge that was "empathetic". That is actually the last thing a judge should be. A Judge should actually be the opposite. They should not let any emotion get into the way of their decisions. But who am I to tell a lawyer and current President what the Courts should do, he should know…right?

I have to say, I am really beginning to question my country. I love the America my Founding Fathers created, I loved the America I read about in history books, I love the documents that set this country apart from all of countries in history. But this country I am living in, this is not my America. It has slowly but surely, taken away my liberties and freedoms and replaced them with shackles; shackles my brother's and sisters have fought against for over 200 years. How can we do this to all the men and women who have died for this country's freedoms; how can we just make a decision that wipes out their efforts.

I am having a hard time with the outlook of my country's future, I pray for patience to see your Path Lord. Please show all your children the way.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm starting to notice a pattern....

I have had a couple encounters lately with Liberals. We begin to have a discussion, or what I think will be a discussion, and then it always turns into me being yelled at, by the Liberal, and being called crazy, racist, closed-minded, etc., etc.

I think what I am starting to learn as I investigate my country’s situation, as I educate myself on my country’s history, I am beginning to see the solutions for our country. I have learned that the other side is not doing that. When I begin to start throwing out facts, statistics, events, history, the tone of the discussion is raised to anger and then to all out yelling at me for being insane for thinking the way I do… I’m sorry… I’m insane for laying out facts and history and statistics for why I think the way that I do, yet you are sane for having nothing to back up you views and calling me crazy??? Wow, I guess if that is what sane is, call me nucking futs!

When someone asks me what I stand for, what I believe and I start to talk about the principles of freedom, God's Natural Law, give quotes from the Founding Fathers, the person on the other side of that discussion has no clue what I am talking about.

I start to talk about Abraham Lincoln and they ask me, “Well what does that have to do with anything?” Are you kidding me, it has everything to do with what we are facing today. The values he instilled in this country in his Presidency, if followed and applied today, we would never be in the mess we are in now. He shared wisdom to elected officials to vote the will of the people, to not give people everything they have, so they can strive to earn what they have and in turn empowering them to be more than they would have ever been by just handing them what the need.

When I speak of the Industrial Revolution, they have no clue what that is. That it was the allowance of free enterprise to take hold of this country and let people to invent many luxuries that we enjoy today and people, who came from nothing, could become anything they worked hard to do. A time when hard work and and entrepreneurial spirit was all you needed to be successful in your endeavors. Where it was almost impossible if you had the drive, the wit and the strong will not to be successful.

If I ask a Liberal with an opposing view, what Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness means to them, they tell me I am off the subject. When that statement alone could solve all of our problems. They don't even know what it means. Why, because they have never asked themselves. They have never dug deep and looked into what the Founding Fathers wanted for this Country and I know if they did, they would want the same thing too.

So I find myself in a position to pray for them. Just as Jesus asked God to "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" I wonder if that is where we are in today’s society. Do they not know what they do?? But how can they not. How can they not check the facts on a story given on the news? How can they not look into the background of a study or poll being given to us by the media?

Don't get me wrong, I watch Fox News, but I don’t just take what they say for granted. I research what they tell me and sometimes find out what they said was incorrect or find more information to shed more light on the issue, therefore disagreeing with the reporter who gave the story.

But people don’t do that anymore. Let me give you the best advice you will ever hear about the media. I have a BS is Journalism; I know first hand what goes on in that business. And that is exactly what it is, a business. And what is any business out to do, make money. They will tell you anything they can to get papers sold, viewer tallies up and ads seen by millions. They are not regulated (which if they were that would be freighting if the government regulated them) and they do not have your best interest at heart.

They are no longer the watch dog of this country and freedom of the press has an entirely different meaning today then what it did when the Founding Fathers wrote it into the Constitution.

DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA, Hell, don’t trust me. Look into the information I give you. Question those officials who are around you. If someone says they are going to do something, do not take them on their word, check to see if they did it. Does it take time, of course it does. Quite frankly, it takes a lot of time. But it is worth it.

I always tell my friends and family, the way I make my decisions is I look at them as though I am standing in front of God on my judgment day. I don’t want to have to answer for being lead blindly. I want to know what I am facing and I believe this country was founded under God and I believe it can be there again, but not until we all come together and educate ourselves.

Because of you don't know what is good, how will you know what is bad when it comes your way?? God Bless this Country, please and save us from ourselves!!!!

Just want to say my peace about Pelosi and then drop it!

Ok, so The Pelosi confusion was on the front page last week, this week I'd say I find it on page 6 or 7...tomorrow maybe back page, by the end of the week, we will have forgotten all about it. I mean it's not a big deal...right?

WRONG!!!!!! The first and foremost point I want to make is, whoever is lying, Pelosi or the CIA, we have a major National Security problem on our hands. If the CIA is lying, that means they are misleading Congress to make decisions and laws based off of faulty information, just to get what they want. These are the people who protect our National Safety and our everyday lives; who can also tap our phone lines and watch our every move if they so choose. So if they are lying we have a huge problem on our hands people of a big brother type situation.

Or... Is Pelosi lying?? If she is lying, then the person who is 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency will say anything to get herself out of trouble. And if she handles herself in this situation by lying, then guess the way she will always handle herself in this kind of situation or other situations that carry a bigger consequences. If she were to become President, then was faced with a situation where she was questioned about a decision or string of decisions she had made while in power (because we all know she has never done that to a President before..... ) then lies, we have a scary person in high power position.

So now that we have the consequences of each side being liars all worked out, let's look at the chain of events that will lead us to why I think I know who is lying.

It is actually quite simple. If a politician smells blood in the water, usually there is a feeding frenzy. Think of all the investigations on Bush's administration while he was in office and out of office?? They attack him and his administration without mercy for any and all rumors, here-says and gut feelings.

So would it not stand to figure, that if they had proof of the CIA is or had "mislead" Congress, they would call for an all out investigation of the CIA and their "communication practices" with the Congress. I mean, if I were in Congress I would want that problem solved as fast as possible. Yet there has been no call, by any Congressman or Representative to investigate the CIA.

But there has been a call by Republican House members to investigate Pelosi and it was defeated in a 252-172 vote today.

Why? Why would you defeat the a measure to investigate a woman, you claim is a fantastic leader. If she is correct, the only thing the investigation would turn up is facts to support that, right??

I have to say, I am the first to say you can't just start opening up investigations on elected officials whenever you just feel like it. I think that would not only be a waste of time, but also a waste of tax payers dollars. However, when an elected official makes a statement that suggests the CIA lies to Congress all the time... I think that is good cause to look into the issue, don't you?

Let's play the politician in this matter... I will settle for an investigation on the issue period. Not one that just looks into her involvement, but one that looks into both sides. But that would be just good ol' common sense and we can't have that going on in Washington now can we.

My opinion on the actions of both sides and what my gut tells me... She is lying. If roles were reversed, I would put money on the fact that Pelosi would be grand standing that an investigation must be done! I would see it splashed all over the liberal media as if a small town in OK was bombed. But, for some reason it is being very quickly swept under the rug.

What I want to know is why can't one person just have some integrity to just tell the truth. People, we have got to weed these people out ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!! I want a politician that sees an injustice on either side and calls for an investigation regardless of the party, not an underground fraternity that protects their own. If my Father did something wrong, I would call him out on it. I would beg him to tell the truth and if he didn’t, I would be first in line to investigate. People, we have got to get back to "My word is my bond". Without it we are nothing.
Put the pressure on your elected officials to weed these people out and push them to act this way, otherwise we are doomed!