Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just want to say my peace about Pelosi and then drop it!

Ok, so The Pelosi confusion was on the front page last week, this week I'd say I find it on page 6 or 7...tomorrow maybe back page, by the end of the week, we will have forgotten all about it. I mean it's not a big deal...right?

WRONG!!!!!! The first and foremost point I want to make is, whoever is lying, Pelosi or the CIA, we have a major National Security problem on our hands. If the CIA is lying, that means they are misleading Congress to make decisions and laws based off of faulty information, just to get what they want. These are the people who protect our National Safety and our everyday lives; who can also tap our phone lines and watch our every move if they so choose. So if they are lying we have a huge problem on our hands people of a big brother type situation.

Or... Is Pelosi lying?? If she is lying, then the person who is 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency will say anything to get herself out of trouble. And if she handles herself in this situation by lying, then guess the way she will always handle herself in this kind of situation or other situations that carry a bigger consequences. If she were to become President, then was faced with a situation where she was questioned about a decision or string of decisions she had made while in power (because we all know she has never done that to a President before..... ) then lies, we have a scary person in high power position.

So now that we have the consequences of each side being liars all worked out, let's look at the chain of events that will lead us to why I think I know who is lying.

It is actually quite simple. If a politician smells blood in the water, usually there is a feeding frenzy. Think of all the investigations on Bush's administration while he was in office and out of office?? They attack him and his administration without mercy for any and all rumors, here-says and gut feelings.

So would it not stand to figure, that if they had proof of the CIA is or had "mislead" Congress, they would call for an all out investigation of the CIA and their "communication practices" with the Congress. I mean, if I were in Congress I would want that problem solved as fast as possible. Yet there has been no call, by any Congressman or Representative to investigate the CIA.

But there has been a call by Republican House members to investigate Pelosi and it was defeated in a 252-172 vote today.

Why? Why would you defeat the a measure to investigate a woman, you claim is a fantastic leader. If she is correct, the only thing the investigation would turn up is facts to support that, right??

I have to say, I am the first to say you can't just start opening up investigations on elected officials whenever you just feel like it. I think that would not only be a waste of time, but also a waste of tax payers dollars. However, when an elected official makes a statement that suggests the CIA lies to Congress all the time... I think that is good cause to look into the issue, don't you?

Let's play the politician in this matter... I will settle for an investigation on the issue period. Not one that just looks into her involvement, but one that looks into both sides. But that would be just good ol' common sense and we can't have that going on in Washington now can we.

My opinion on the actions of both sides and what my gut tells me... She is lying. If roles were reversed, I would put money on the fact that Pelosi would be grand standing that an investigation must be done! I would see it splashed all over the liberal media as if a small town in OK was bombed. But, for some reason it is being very quickly swept under the rug.

What I want to know is why can't one person just have some integrity to just tell the truth. People, we have got to weed these people out ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!! I want a politician that sees an injustice on either side and calls for an investigation regardless of the party, not an underground fraternity that protects their own. If my Father did something wrong, I would call him out on it. I would beg him to tell the truth and if he didn’t, I would be first in line to investigate. People, we have got to get back to "My word is my bond". Without it we are nothing.
Put the pressure on your elected officials to weed these people out and push them to act this way, otherwise we are doomed!