Thursday, May 14, 2009

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism - by George A. Akerlof & Robert J. Shiller

Have any of you questioned why all of a sudden there is all this talk from Government Officials, media and the like claiming we are starting to "get out" of this recession??? As much as I would like to think that is true, when I hear that, I become that pesky person that wants evidence of such. Has the unemployment rate gone down... no it has only slowed? Has the Fed stopped printing money... no. Has the deficit gone down in the last 2 weeks... no. I could go on and on, listing all those things that have NOT changed.

So I have to ask myself, why this sudden view of optimism? Was it not these same officials and media that told me 3 months ago that if we didn't pass this stimulus plan that this country would go into ruin? Are you telling me Obama has done the unthinkable and has turned this economy around in a matter of months, because of his quick thinking on how to "save" us from the previous administration’s mistakes?

I have learned that there is always a deeper meaning with politicians these days. I choose to not just look at the surface, I choose to not just scratch the surface, I choose to dig deep into the core of anything I hear from today's politicians and media, regardless if they are MSNBC or Fox News. Usually you find an entire web of lies and cover-up that would make your head spin! I have trouble keeping a surprise party away from my boyfriend, never mind the thousands of lies these people try to hold up everyday…whew, must be exhausting.

What I found out was that Obama has given the book "Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism" by George A. Akerlof & Robert J. Shiller to his administration to read and implement in the U.S. today.

By the title and cover it doesn't seem like it is anything to be worried about, but you start to dig into what this book goes into, it boggles the mind and scares me.

It basically teaches that through control of people's "Animal Spirits" or subconscious spending habits and emotions you can essentially control the economy. People buy out of habit, they buy from emotion, they buy because something looks fun, and they buy because they can. There are many reasons they list, but the idea is to control that subconscious and you can control the economy...control the economy, you can control the people.

The Obama administration also invited top executives from advertising and marketing firms to the White House to have “meetings”. Why you may ask, they know we are not accepting of their policies (although you wouldn't think that by what you hear in the media, another tactic of Animal Spirits - make them feel they are the minority in their thinking, because the Animal Spirit always wants to be a part of the majority). They are going to try and use marketing techniques with the concepts from "Animal Spirits" to get you to do what they want you to do...

I don't know about you, but that is scary stuff!!! This is in line with mind control and deception. They think so little of us not to make up our own minds when presented with the facts, but choose to deceive us and use manipulation techniques to get us to do what they want us to do. I am beginning to understand the scope and depth of the corruption that is trying to control this country.
Please tell your friends and family, we have got to fight this!!! We have to educate ourselves on the Founding Father's visions for this country. They were dead-on when they created this Country and its Constitution. If we can fight to get back to their ideal for this country we can save it, but don’t believe a word this administration says, do your own research, form your own opinion and bottom line, follow your gut. I have a feeling everyone has an uneasy feeling and it isn't because we are in a recession, it's because we all know what is happening is wrong. We just need to help people to see it!