Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Glenn Beck on the View... Disaster

This is exactly what is wrong with this country. You have someone like Glenn Beck on your show, you decide you don’t like his views on politics, life, whatever; You then try and find a way to make him look bad on your show to discredit him and his views.

You have an encounter with him on the Am track train... you decide to use that against him... How you may ask, well, he said on his radio show that Barabra WaWa came up to him to say hello??? What!? That is a flat out lie, that Glenn came up to Barbara and Whoopie and said hello? Glenn said hello to them! This is an outrage, you are a flat out liar and deserve to have everything you have ever said discredited, because you lied about who said hello first.

Are you kidding me??? Barbara talks to Glenn and asks him if he ever checks his facts out???

What facts would that be, that someone from Amtrak told him the seats where reserved and he has witnesses to such, but he should have called the Amtrak officials to find out if they were in fact saved for them???

Let me ask you this Barbara, did you call the witnesses Glenn had with him to find out their side of the story before you accused him of lying?? Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it, to call people based on your own personal account of what happened.

Poor Glenn I think he is sitting there in shock that he can’t believe they are taking the entire segment to talk about this... not the economy, not foreign affairs, not abortion, but who said hello first???

Just proves why we can’t come together in this country we aren't on the same page, in fact we are not even on the same book or subject.

That is progressives defense mechanism, they try to talk about insignificant things to distract you from the hard hitting topics, because they know, if they try to talk serious issues with you, they will be annihilated in the debate.

They will have no chance. And they wonder why we don't want to get into debates with them; act like an adult and maybe we can talk. Maybe we should just put them into time out, do you think that would work :-)!?

(See Video below)