Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm starting to notice a pattern....

I have had a couple encounters lately with Liberals. We begin to have a discussion, or what I think will be a discussion, and then it always turns into me being yelled at, by the Liberal, and being called crazy, racist, closed-minded, etc., etc.

I think what I am starting to learn as I investigate my country’s situation, as I educate myself on my country’s history, I am beginning to see the solutions for our country. I have learned that the other side is not doing that. When I begin to start throwing out facts, statistics, events, history, the tone of the discussion is raised to anger and then to all out yelling at me for being insane for thinking the way I do… I’m sorry… I’m insane for laying out facts and history and statistics for why I think the way that I do, yet you are sane for having nothing to back up you views and calling me crazy??? Wow, I guess if that is what sane is, call me nucking futs!

When someone asks me what I stand for, what I believe and I start to talk about the principles of freedom, God's Natural Law, give quotes from the Founding Fathers, the person on the other side of that discussion has no clue what I am talking about.

I start to talk about Abraham Lincoln and they ask me, “Well what does that have to do with anything?” Are you kidding me, it has everything to do with what we are facing today. The values he instilled in this country in his Presidency, if followed and applied today, we would never be in the mess we are in now. He shared wisdom to elected officials to vote the will of the people, to not give people everything they have, so they can strive to earn what they have and in turn empowering them to be more than they would have ever been by just handing them what the need.

When I speak of the Industrial Revolution, they have no clue what that is. That it was the allowance of free enterprise to take hold of this country and let people to invent many luxuries that we enjoy today and people, who came from nothing, could become anything they worked hard to do. A time when hard work and and entrepreneurial spirit was all you needed to be successful in your endeavors. Where it was almost impossible if you had the drive, the wit and the strong will not to be successful.

If I ask a Liberal with an opposing view, what Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness means to them, they tell me I am off the subject. When that statement alone could solve all of our problems. They don't even know what it means. Why, because they have never asked themselves. They have never dug deep and looked into what the Founding Fathers wanted for this Country and I know if they did, they would want the same thing too.

So I find myself in a position to pray for them. Just as Jesus asked God to "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" I wonder if that is where we are in today’s society. Do they not know what they do?? But how can they not. How can they not check the facts on a story given on the news? How can they not look into the background of a study or poll being given to us by the media?

Don't get me wrong, I watch Fox News, but I don’t just take what they say for granted. I research what they tell me and sometimes find out what they said was incorrect or find more information to shed more light on the issue, therefore disagreeing with the reporter who gave the story.

But people don’t do that anymore. Let me give you the best advice you will ever hear about the media. I have a BS is Journalism; I know first hand what goes on in that business. And that is exactly what it is, a business. And what is any business out to do, make money. They will tell you anything they can to get papers sold, viewer tallies up and ads seen by millions. They are not regulated (which if they were that would be freighting if the government regulated them) and they do not have your best interest at heart.

They are no longer the watch dog of this country and freedom of the press has an entirely different meaning today then what it did when the Founding Fathers wrote it into the Constitution.

DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA, Hell, don’t trust me. Look into the information I give you. Question those officials who are around you. If someone says they are going to do something, do not take them on their word, check to see if they did it. Does it take time, of course it does. Quite frankly, it takes a lot of time. But it is worth it.

I always tell my friends and family, the way I make my decisions is I look at them as though I am standing in front of God on my judgment day. I don’t want to have to answer for being lead blindly. I want to know what I am facing and I believe this country was founded under God and I believe it can be there again, but not until we all come together and educate ourselves.

Because of you don't know what is good, how will you know what is bad when it comes your way?? God Bless this Country, please and save us from ourselves!!!!