Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Take on Obama's pick for Supreme Court Justice...

Today Obama made his announcement of whom he chose for the vacant seat in the Supreme Court. Am I happy about the decision... not so much… The reason, I fear she will try to make policy from the bench, rather than uphold the Constitution that she will take an oath to defend and enforce.

This is a woman who believes the 2nd amendment is not meant to be applied to individual... that is right, Judge Sotomayor is one of only three federal appeals judges to say that the Second Amendment does not stop your city or state from banning all guns, even in your home. In other words, Judge Sotomayor says that a ban like the D.C. gun ban struck down by the Supreme Court last year is constitutional if enacted by a city or state.


That means all this time, we have all got it wrong. You don’t have any rights, the government grants them to you and bends the Constitution any way they see fit to conform to what they want done at the time.

Sotomayor has also been recorded saying, "All of the legal defense funds out there, they're looking for people with court of appeals experience" because "the court of appeals is where policy is made."

This is the most frightening statement. The Courts are supposed to be free of politics, free of policymaking, free of bias. They are to be the only branch in the Government that is non-bias, politically free and blind as lady justice is in the statue outside the Supreme Court. Their one and only job is to uphold the Constitution and the laws on the books. It is not their job to make law, but to enforce it. Big difference!!!!

It seems to be a joke, all the lies we are being told by the current administration. Where is the bipartisanship, where is the motivation for truth?? Why can't this President just do what he says. But then again he did say he wanted to find a judge that was "empathetic". That is actually the last thing a judge should be. A Judge should actually be the opposite. They should not let any emotion get into the way of their decisions. But who am I to tell a lawyer and current President what the Courts should do, he should know…right?

I have to say, I am really beginning to question my country. I love the America my Founding Fathers created, I loved the America I read about in history books, I love the documents that set this country apart from all of countries in history. But this country I am living in, this is not my America. It has slowly but surely, taken away my liberties and freedoms and replaced them with shackles; shackles my brother's and sisters have fought against for over 200 years. How can we do this to all the men and women who have died for this country's freedoms; how can we just make a decision that wipes out their efforts.

I am having a hard time with the outlook of my country's future, I pray for patience to see your Path Lord. Please show all your children the way.