Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I want a straight, white girl month!!!

I decided. I need a month, declared by the White House, that I am to be honored and given a break during that month to prance around anyway I see fit.

In fact, I want a parade! I want to be able to have the people who believe in my “Straight, White Girl”(SWG) way of life to be able to decorate themselves and their cars (perhaps a bike or two) in the honor that is SWG.

I also want Congress to start making laws that help protect my straight, white girl way of life. That way, if anyone does anything to me to harm me or cause me ill will, even if it isn’t because I am a SWG, they will be punished harsher than if...let's say they did it to a lesbian or gay?

Because let's face it, if someone does something to me, the SWG, it is a much harsher crime, then if it was done to any gay are lesbian. Because of my SWG ways, that makes me an unjustifiable target. I mean, I jog in the morning, I get ready for work, I work and then I go home to my family or go hang out with friends...

I know, I know, kinda sounds like the same thing gay and lesbian people do. But, I am special, because of the fact that I am straight and white and a girl! Can't you see, a crime against me is much more important than a crime against any homosexual. I want to make it so no criminal will ever harm a straight, white girl again.

And in my month, I want to have countless television spots that target children. I want to have a SWG day at all schools and government agencies. Oh, and I want "How to be Compassionate to a SWG " to be taught in a class to everyone in government agencies and private companies, so that they know how to treat me properly. Cuz, I just cannot stand it when people call me honky or they treat me different because I am a SWG.

So I declare June, Straight White Girl Pride Month!!!! Whoo Hoo, let's have us a dinner at the White House in Straight White Girl Style!

As stupid as the previous statements sound, it is very true, right? The only difference is replace Straight White Girl, with “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender”...then replace Gay & Lesbian with “Straight people”.

A simple rule of thumb, to see if a situation is fair; reverse the roles of the groups involved. In this case, for example, give the same rights to straight people, but not to homosexuals. Meaning give the straight people the law that protects them because of their sexuality and the homosexuals are given no special laws. I would think to myself, as a straight person... Aren't there already laws in place that protect me from theft, murder, and harm of several forms? What is it about my sexuality that makes my death more horrible than a homosexual? The answer... it doesn't.

Can you imagine if the President declared June, Straight Pride Month. It would be a field day for the ACLU or Homosexual Groups all over the world!

I think I am beginning to understand racism and discrimination as I get older and the country around me is changing. Many times I feel like, why do they get this and I can’t have that. Why am I seen as a demon just because of the way I think, act, look? It is beginning to be social unacceptable to be a straight, white person. At least, I have the whole gender thing going for me, but you boys, whoo hoo, you are out of luck!

Because we all know, " ...that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and start to fight, fight for the rights of the Straight, White Girl!!!! Who's with me???????

(All my statements above stem from the link below. Please read and think long and hard about what reverse racism means):


Anonymous said...

I was just looking to see when White History month was or white heritage month, since there's Black history month and a Hispanic heritage month...I felt left out. I was told by a black social services employee that I was too white to receive food stamps or Medicaid, even though financially, I qualified...that's discrimination, right?

Anonymous said...

Also, I feel left out because I don't get a special straight girl symbol to put on my car. I mean if homosexual people get to put symbols up advertising who they like to have sex with, why shouldn't I?
K, thanks, like your page.