Monday, October 19, 2009

It's been a while...

So I haven't posted in a while and I have a great reason. I am no longer awarded bonuses at my job because of the failing economy and I took on a second job to make up for the lost income. Then we learned that we needed to help my boyfriend's sister out by taking his niece and nephew in to our home full-time. So needless to say, my time is pretty short now... but that got me to thinking. I made the decision to find another job and within 2 weeks, I found a great second job and I make great money doing it. My employer told me after I had started they were happy to have found me, because they were having a hard time finding applicants for the place... yeah, you heard me right. They couldn't find someone to even apply. So I thought to myself, why, when so many people are "hurting" in this economy, how could an employer not find an employee?

Then it came to me, it isn’t that people don't want a job, they just don't want to have to work once they get the job. The job I am doing is a server and I have to do most everything when I am there, even clean the toilets when my shift is done. People just don’t want to do that; living on government funds is a much easier route.

I had a friend who decided to go on unemployment and food stamps after they lost their job and they said, with all the government benefits for those out of work, they were able to make bills, feed their kids and not have to work. They could stay home all day. They however, have pride and don't want to continue living that way, but many people are finding out, hey... I don't have to work and I can make pretty good money.

The sad part is, it is never enough. Those who work for their money can be satisfied with less. When you have to part with your money that you worked long and hard for, you tend to think about the purchase. Is it a "want" or is it a "need". Can I make due with what I have, do I really need to buy this right now, etc, etc? But if you are given money, you tend to not ask those questions, because it isn't your money, so just spend it. That is how the system fails us. The fact that government funding can become a way of life is disgusting. If you can work, you should. I don’t care if you flip burgers, if you pick up trash, if you are the guy who cleans the sewers, if those are the only jobs that are out there, then take them, until something else better comes along if that's what it takes.

People ask me, so your salary got cut huh, that's why you're working a 2nd job? I say no, I am working a second job because I want to be able to save money every month, so I am not racking up debt and I will have a retirement at some point in my life. But people don't grasp that concept, they genuinely look at me, why kill yourself for your retirement and savings?? I say, because I only want to depend on me for what I need. That way if something happened to my jobs or health, I have money to support myself, not expect someone else to do it. That is one of the many things wrong with this entitlement generation and I fear it will only get worse.


Jamie said...

I say amen sister. I have worked many jobs of various skill levels beit, dishwasher, ground work (ditch digging) and general laborer.
I have to say at this time things seem to be diffrant. I just can't get hired. I have gone to a number of interviews but to no avail. The people all tell me that I have a good resume' and we do the interview but thats as far as it goes. I have been trying to build my reputation as a quality painter in hopes of getting some work. so far i've picked up very little. this all bothers me greatly but i am not one of the people listed as not looking for work. i just live in a place where the unemployment rate is well beyond the highest average. This has created a byers market for employers, and the young who haven't the finacial responsabilitys of an adult seem to be able to get the jobs in our area.

Jennifer Milligan said...

That is sorry to hear Jamie. I run a Real Estate Publication during the day and waitress at night. It's not bad money, but a ton of hard work. But I refuse to go in debt!

Jimmie T. said...

Jennifer, what you have shown through your deeds is what conservatives need to do and advocate. Striving for success! So many are just so happy with the bare minimum and that is not what made America great. You post explains very well what can be done to be successful or on the other hand what happens to make others dependant on people like you and I.
I don't care if it takes days and weeks to get out things like what you wrote, you wrote it so very well.