Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a quick thought...

I just have one, quick thought for today. Don’t you find it funny that Obama used to be a community organizer, Acorn is a Community Organization (along with many others) and the Democrats have used the tactics of Community Organization for years to discredit us and make us look like the minority?

But when the Conservatives and majority of the Christians in this country organize their communities to show up to these town halls, they say we are "Astroturf"?? This is hilarious! That means we are getting to them. See they thought that Tea Parties were a joke and if they just ignored us, we would go away. Turns out we didn't, actually them ignoring us just created more rage and concern.

So what's burning their hide so much to call all this manufactured rage?? The fact that we are using their tactics against them and it is working, perhaps? The funny part is they are accusing the Republican groups of paying people to be at the town hall meetings, when in fact that is what they are doing on the other side. They are trying to pack the town hall meetings early to keep us out. What is funny about that is the fact that they are keeping the everyday, average American out and just as ignoring the Tea Parties angered us, so will this. (We can't get there early, because we all work and don’t have all day to sit in a meeting for $20 for the day, LOL just kidding ;-)

I just find a lot of humor in the fact that we didn’t even know we were community organizing, we just all felt the same and showed up. We are not alone, we are the majority and I know if we stay on this path, one day they will have to listen… I just hope it is some day soon.