Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is anybody else offended?

Is anybody else as offended as I am? The fact that our President is lying straight to all the American people and has the nerve to tell our religious leaders, some people are "Bearing False Witness"? The man has never even spoken about his faith in depth other than I am a Christian. I don't hear how he basis all of his decisions on faith how he lives a life of faith, yet he is going to try and tell us to be moral in our decisions on health care? That’s what we are doing Mr. President!!!! Deny, deny, deny is their strategy and they are staying the course. But, we know what we have seen, what we have witnessed in these town halls, these people are lying to us to get what they want.

The difference is people couldn't see through the BS in the campaign, but I think they are now. The Progressives continually call us liars, a right wing extremist, "astro turf" and people who give “disinformation”. What are they doing, they are using extremist values to isolate and then ridicule to disassemble the American people pulling together as a community. (Who knew Community organizing would put a kink in the President’s plan J) Well guess what, it isn't working. We see through your lies, you promised the world and what you meant was you wanted to take the world. You don't want healthcare for all of us. Anyone can walk into a hospital and receive treatment. You want my money and you want power over my life and take away my freedoms, but sorry, I'm not willing to give it up. Freedom has been bred into Americans and we know when it is being taken away.

I hear politicians saying now they aren't going to vote the will of the people; they will vote the way they want to because they know what is better for us then we do, what? That is not freedom, that is not American, that is tyranny! We cannot depend on our elected politicians; actually they have become a lot of what we need to fight against to keep our freedoms. We need to look at the civil rights movement and use that as an example. You can threaten whatever you wish, we will not move from this bridge, this is my country and you can't have it!


Anonymous said...

You actually said something about health care? When this President and our party tried to EXPAND Medicaid to more people, and governors and legislators in YOUR party are DENYING it?? That really does mean that MORE PEOPLE WILL DIE, you know, so that insurance company profits can stay higher. Jesus was PRO-POOR,last I checked.

I am not ashamed of the gospel but I am ashamed of you.