Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't piss on my Leg and tell me it's Raining!

So I have been like all of you. Watching the videos of Liberal Congress and Senators talking about how they are for a Single-Payer system in healthcare. Something I already knew, but I figured it was great that the videos are making the rounds, because people can see what a bunch of liars they are... telling us, oh no, our intention is to never make it a single-payer system... yeah right check out these videos:

Here's my boy Barney:

This is a good one of our President:
Here's another one of Obama and some now his advisors:

So these are just a few, but they pretty much have the same tone as the rest (if you need me to, I can send you many more, just email me. But for the sake of the length of this post, I'll keep it short) So I have to ask, do you think that those statements, by any of those people, were taken out of context? Where they given a spin job by the extremist rightwing nut jobs??? I don't think so and to be totally honest they just tell me what I already knew.

But here is the fun part; the White released a video in response to all these videos surfacing on the web and media. They obviously see the nightmare that is becoming their healthcare bill because people are beginning to wake up, so what are they doing, they are trying to isolate you and then ridicule you. They want you to think you are crazy and if you haven't joined the protests or you are on the fence about the issues, the White House wants to make sure you don't join their side! Watch their response to what the President and his colleges have said:

They say that facts are stubborn things... Yeah, stubborn for them! Conservative watchdog groups are beginning to form and people are beginning to talk and they are learning about the pile of "you know what" we were handed in the elections and told it was gold. The fact that they think we are this stupid means we can gain the upper hand. Apparently they underestimate our intelligence and we can work that to our advantage. Here is another good example of how we are just "Loud Shrill Voices" as described by Harry Reid:

People, these are our elected officials; last time I checked it is still law that they represent us. They are starting to feel the heat from the the town hall meetings and the tone is the anger they see in their constituents. We need to not only keep it up, but also turn up the volume. We can be silent no more. I fear this could be a point of no return if it goes through, but I am optimistic it could be a turning point for us. If we win this, the era of us fearing them will be over and them fearing us will be back. I'm not going to stand for these people pissing on my leg and tell me it's raining, what do I do when someone pisses on my leg, make them wish they never had :-) God Bless!