Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gotta love the lies on heath Care from our fearless leader!

This is what I received from the White House on health Car Reform: My comments are in (Parenthesis) ---Jen

Dear Friend,

If you’re like most Americans, there’s nothing more important to you about health care than peace of mind. (True)

Given the status quo, that’s understandable. The current system often denies insurance due to pre-existing conditions, charges steep out-of-pocket fees – and sometimes isn’t there at all if you become seriously ill. (So far not true for me, I have spent more on my dogs health bills than I have my own, plus I have discovered that I have a genetic condition and it has been quit costly for my insurance, I have only paid a total of $600 to take care of it.)

It’s time to fix our unsustainable insurance system(what makes it unsustainable? I agree Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable, because they are about to go under financially. But my insurance company is actually doing quite well. The only system in trouble is the Governments system, so what they really mean is, I don’t want them to have all the money, I want some of that money, so I am going to take all of the money and make you pay for it) and create a new foundation for health care security (The foundation is fine, he just wants to reinvent it to serve his purpose). That means guaranteeing your health care security and stability with eight basic consumer protections: (Oh these should be good)

-No discrimination for pre-existing conditions (This means, me who has no health problems or very little is going to be forced to pay for the health problems of someone else, except I can’t shop around for the best deal, I will be forced into this one)

-No exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles or co-pays (This means deficit increase, or lack of health care because it isn’t in the budget. Meaning I had better healthcare before the Government took over)

-No cost-sharing for preventive care (The way I see it, there is going to be a whole lot of cost sharing going on!)

-No dropping of coverage if you become seriously ill (No they won’t drop your coverage, they just will find way to make it seem like you don’t need care or have to wait for care.)

-No gender discrimination (I didn’t realize gender discrimination was going on now? I don’t know about you, but I have never heard of a person being denied based on gender. Preexisting conditions, yes, but not gender. This cracks me up, because they act as thought that is a problem now.)

-No annual or lifetime caps on coverage (No, they’ll just use euthanasia on you when you get too old or just let you die, ask a veteran, they’ll tell you all about it)

-Extended coverage for young adults (This means abortion, birth control, STD treatment, etc.)

-Guaranteed insurance renewal so long as premiums are paid (You have to pay us all we want, but we don’t have to give you the treatment you need. If a government official thinks you can live another year with that cancer and not die, you will wait. And if you die in that time period, oh well, one less person to insure.)

Learn more about these consumer protections at our website.

Over the next month there is going to be an avalanche of misinformation and scare tactics from those seeking to perpetuate the status quo. (There are going to be many people telling you the truth about what this would do to our Country financially and that your healthcare will decline) But we know the cost of doing nothing is too high. (Meaning, that everyday the government doesn’t have power over your healthcare, they more money the government is loosing.) Health care costs will double over the next decade, millions more will become uninsured, and state and local governments will go bankrupt. (Actually they are describing what will happen if the health Care Reform bills goes into effect, they messed up on this one, except it won’t be that you are not insured, it will be that your insurance refuses to give you health CARE! Big difference.)

It’s time to act and reform health insurance, drive down costs and guarantee the health care security and stability of every American family. (The healthcare Bill will do none of these; they will actually make all of these problems worse) You can help by putting these core principles of reform in the hands of your friends, your family, and the rest of your social network. (Become a Community organizer, so that we can make Acorn more powerful to control your lives, because that is the Progressive’s best tool to take over a nation’s government)

Thank you, Barack Obama (The guy trying to “redefine” your country)