Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who could be the leadership of tomorrow?

I was talking with a friend about leadership, especially the leadership we have in charge of our country right now, or should I say lack of, and in the conversation came an idea. What kind of person do we need to lead this country? We argue that the people in office right now are wrong, so who is right? I think if we ask ourselves that question, organize in our heads the traits we are looking of in our leaders, we can start to single out the good ones from the bad ones. Have a plan to choose our future leaders.

All I hear from people I speak with about politics is that they no longer trust either side, I say GOOD! This country wasn't built on a two party system. Republicans and Democrats where existent, but the parties were completely different then what they are today. This country was based off an up and down scale, not a left to right. The up and down represent anarchy on one side and full government control on the other. Our Founding Fathers believed that we must find the middle. That this country was based on the individual, not the collective and that the Constitution MUST protect the individual's rights.

I believe the line of where we are on the scale of government has gone up, it started with the Bush administration and has skyrocketed under the Obama administration.

The leaders we have in office do not have my interest at heart, they have their own and guess what people, follow the money trail! If it puts money and power into their hands, let me guess what they will vote for. You think they are where they are because they vote the will of the people? No, they are where they are because when the people who want to give them money say “jump”, our politicians say "How high?"

What got me thinking about the leader we need is Sarah Palin. Yeah, she seems to have fizzled out and I agree, she could surprise us all and come back stronger than ever. I think she believes what she believes and I think she does what is right. I think she made a mistake on letting the McCain campaign tell her what to say, because I do believe she came off as not being sure about her leadership abilities. I did research on her as far as what she did for the State of Alaska and you can't accomplish all of what she did without being articulate, well educated and having morals, which I think are virtues seldom found in politics these days.

I think what is her downfall is, is her devotion to her family and doing what is right. Is that bad, not really, I think it is good, but when you have that trait and media and politicians know that and use it against her, she is doomed from the start. Plus, what is a way to get a good Governor out of office, make it so they can't work and become a burden on the state. File as many ethics violations as you can, even though they are warrentless and have no merit, she still has to pay to fight them, or should I say Alaska has to pay to fight them. Because she has morals and realizes that they have pretty much neutralized her leadership abilities, she needs to resign. It's quit brilliant of the other side if you ask me, shady as hell and wrong, but it worked, right?

The problem is none of the ethics violations came back against her, they have all been dismissed. But that is what the progressives are best at, twisting and manipulation something that is meant for good to work for their purpose? Taking a law to prevent devious acts and use it to get a good politician out of office. And what do you hear about on the news, you hear how she has 18 ethics violations against her, you don't here they are all dismissed and the majority of them are filed by the same people and groups.

I think her biggest mistake was saying "how high" when McCain said "Jump". Which is a trait of today's politicians, but she was a rookie. If it were a set of different circumstances, I think she could have been a great leader. But, maybe she choose her family over the circus we call Washington. Can you blame her? I know I can't. I have been persecuted for things I haven't done and I tell you, it is no fun. Not anywhere close to the extent she has, but I think what disappoints me about her decision is I hope it doesn’t teach others to quit when the fire gets hot. I figure if the fire is getting hot, you’ve hit a nerve and keep pushing. The Lord will protect you. Not without burns and injuries, but you will succeed, especially when you are doing what is right.

So if currently, Sarah Palin isn't looking like the leader we have all hoped for, then who will it be? It has to be someone with the drive and determination of someone who truly believes in this country. Because you have to think, if a true leader emerged, it wouldn't be from either party and they would not only need the mental support of this nation but the financial support of the citizens. It would have to be someone who could inspire people to be the patriots our Founding Fathers were and get them to live the life of the True American. To be self-reliant and live for what is right, not what you can get for free.

They would have to have a tough skin, because you know the barrage of attacks that would come from the Republicans and Democrats, media, special interests, etc. etc. would be huge! I think a lot of people are worried about their dirty laundry being on national television for all to see. Can you blame them? There are things in my past I would like to keep there, but would be brought up and I would have to answer for them and who likes to do that? But, they would have to just be honest. Don’t hide your past, embrace your past. Explain how those past mistakes, made you the person you are today. Explain how through those mistakes they can empathize with people in the same situation but can be a guide them on how to get out and by doing the right thing. There is nothing more honorable than owning up to a mistake, and holding yourslef accountable. If a person could not respect that, chances are it is because they don't share the same backbone you have.

I think people are just craving honest and actual transparency, not just talk about it. I think that's why people bought into the Obama that was sold during the election. He said all the right things; problem is he hasn’t delivered on any of it. I guess he has delivered on the part of "remaking America". But people just want to know what is going on, so they can feel good about the country their children are being raised in and their future is stable.
We need just an Everyday Conservative to bring this country back to where it once was. I hope they’re out there. I pray every night to give the strength to the person who could bring actual hope back to the country, not a false premise of one. It could be me, but it could be you!