Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This is just a tatic, don't lose focus!

I am embarrassed it has taken me this long to post! But, that's what niece and nephew living with you and two jobs create...not enough time for much else :-)

I just had to talk about what is going on right now with healthcare and the "Climate Summit" in Copenhagen. They are doing what we have heard they were going to do and that is overwhelming the system. They are a’mping up their tactics and their threats as the time to make the decision draws near.

Think about how the they are making several amendments to the healthcare bill in the Senate right now. They will do anything to get their bill passed, their "foot in the door" because once they do, they are going to barrel through that door with whatever they want.

If they make so many amendments that we cannot keep up with the changes, it becomes too much to keep track and they will confuse those they want to vote yes. It is a slide of hand trick and I pray it won't work. It is a tactic, no doubt. We, along with our elected officials need to recognize.

That is what they have to do, they have to have strategies, they have to use tactics, because if they were up front and honest about what they wanted, we would never go for it.

Think about what they are saying in Copenhagen... Gore is stating that there will be no ice caps by 2014... that's only 4 years away??? A pretty bold prediction if you ask me. One might question why he would make such a prediction, when we all know it isn’t the case. Because they just need their foot in the door. If they can convince people that they must act right this second, then it doesn’t matter if it actually comes true. They got their Climate regulation and I guarantee they won’t give us our $ back if they turn out to be wrong. The thing is, he will say anything now, including lies, to get it passed now. Because if it doesn’t pass now, it most likely will not for a very long time…so what do they have to loose… Nothing. This is another tactic. The must rush it through so we do not have time to think. I say we don’t pass a thing until we have time to think. Just a little thing I remember our Founding Fathers encouraging us to do and that is thinking for ourselves.