Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's time for us to Step-Up!

I truly believe in living by your beliefs. I believe that we do not need government-assisted programs, because I believe the community should rally around those who are down. We take care of our own, UNTIL they can get back on their feet. If your community was good enough to help you, there would be a sense of appreciation for their help, not entitlement to their help as most feel with government help. You would do everything you could, so your community would no longer have to help you. Then, a way to pay them back, you would be there to help others in the community when they are down.

This is the way it used to be, not so long ago. When I lived in Cave Creek as a kid, we would bring food to families we knew that were having a hard time and if my Mom had to clean houses all day and we had a day off from school, our neighbor would baby-sit for free. That is how I was raised, if you can help someone, you should... but you do not have to. That is what creates that warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart when you are done helping, you didn't have to, but you did and that makes you a better person.

To live this principle, I believe we should volunteer our time to our community. There are a million different ways to volunteer, at a church, organization, an event to raise money, etc. etc. What I recommend is to search your heart and find what truly means something to you. Maybe it is adopting a Soldier overseas and writing him every week. Maybe it is at an orphanage, maybe you are good at organizing events, and although you never see the people you are helping, you are helping them just the same. The key is to find something you are passionate about and dive in, head first. I guarantee it will enrich your life just as much as those you help.

So I make a challenge to all the "The Everyday Conservatives" live the values in which we preach… volunteer, even if it is for an hour a month! Everyone can find some time every month to give back. Donating money is some of it, but what volunteering will do for you and the ones you help, is priceless. Make the commitment and you will never regret it!!!!!!