Friday, April 3, 2009

Topic for Monday meeting!!

We are meeting with our group, here in AZ, on Monday (4/6) and we'll be talking about how to prepare if "you know what" hits the fan.

I'm not saying spend your savings on ammunition, food storage, build a bomb shelter and pull all you money out of the bank and hide it in your mattress... that would be a little over board. But there are things you and your family can do to prepare, just in case. We plan to go over what things we can do financially to prepare, what we can do for reasonable food storage (which is good to have no matter what kind of times you are in) and what we can do prepare for our own family's safety.

Plus, we plan to go over what we believe the signs will be of the economy getting worse or even a possible depression.

I know some people have told me that a depression will not happen, so what is my response?... "I hope you are right, believe me, but if it is does happen and I'm not ready, the consequence will be great; however, if I prepare and it doesn't happen, then I just have a lot of things I will use over time and not have to go shopping for awhile." Bottom line, you can be prepared without going overboard.

My boyfriend always taught me, if you think of the unthinkable before it happens and work out how you will handle it, you have a lot of time to think about what you would do, rather than being unprepared and having to make a life altering decision in just moments. It is hard to fear something when you have prepared for it.

Leave your comments on the topics below and I'll post our ideas on Tuesday, Have a great weekend everyone!


Jennifer said...

We started a small veggie garden this year. But, I also make jellies, jams and apple butter by myself. I stock our laundry room with non-perishable goods. Try to shop locally if at all possible meaning You know where it is coming from. Save all glass jars (you can re-use them) and buy lids (to can yourself). Have a emergency kit of at least 3 days worth of food, clothing, stuff for your pets if you have to leave in an emergency. Know where you can go - with your pet if you need to leave. Keep an inventory of stuff you have/need. :)

Jennifer Milligan said...

Have you all heard of Daily Bread ( It is freeze dried food has a shelf life of 25 years. I am meeting with one of the Rep's on Thursday, I'll tell you how it goes and post the info here!