Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great Resource to Write the Liberal Media!

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of boycotting every news station but Fox because they are unbalanced in their reporting! I have started writing letters to editors and just to anyone in general that I can get a hold of at the new stations. I know I may be one of few and I'm sure they’re getting a kick out of this one person complaining, but if we all complain, they may change their tune.

As a journalism major, I can tell you that the news is a business. There is no regulation and they do what ever they have to, to sell newspapers and news shows. That includes bending the truth. Unfortunately, these news entities do not take the “Code of Journalism Ethics” seriously and they use their news organizations to push their own agendas. Well enough is enough! We are viewers too and I want to see all the news, not just some! Demand that you want balanced reporting!! I'm not asking them to stop reporting the other side; I'm asking them to report both sides!! If we can hit them hard, in the pocket book by boycotting and telling them why we are boycotting, they may change their minds!! Here is a link to a website that can give a list and links to all the news organizations in your area. Click on your state on the map and write away!