Monday, April 13, 2009

Concerted effort to misrepresent the Tea Parties on April 15th

(I know it is a little rough to read, but it is really importan tif you are planning on coming to the Tea Parties. Always be aware of your surrounding and most of all pray for patience!!!)

GLENN: Now, the other thing that you need to do is stay vigilant. There is a concerted effort right now. You can tell when you're making a difference because the media will ignore you or the media will try to destroy you. And boy, oh, boy is the media out to destroy the tea party. I'm going to give you one example here and it's on how they are trying to destroy the 9/12 Project, and it shows you how irresponsible the media is because I asked Stu ‑‑ I got this and I said, Stu, can you look into this? Just spend two minutes and see what you can find. After, I'm not kidding, a two‑minute investigation, we found the truth behind what is going on, on this one project.

Now, I'm telling you this project, I'm using this as an example because this is exactly what the left crazy blogs and the left, you know, the media matters and everybody else, this is what they're doing. They are telling, the Huffington Post is telling people, make sure you go to these tea parties and bring cameras. We have intelligence that shows that organizations are showing up to disrupt. Whether or not it happens and I mean, I can't tell you what a stupid move it is on their part to go ‑‑ you don't go into a crowd and try to infiltrate and try to make it look like you're a ‑‑ yeah, I'm a crazy conservative. And that's exactly what they are going to do. There are people that are painting signs. I won't even tell you what they have instructed people to paint signs as. Horrible, horrible things. They are going to try to make look horrible. And take pictures so the media has that, okay? If you think that's crazy, I asked Stu to do an investigation. Tell me about the video here quickly, Stu.

STU: Okay. Basically there's a video that I've got posted, all of these blogs that you had mentioned talked about it. It talked about at a Glenn Beck tea party, burn the books was the headline. Has a little transcript of a woman yelling "Burn the books" and going through all the stuff about how she wanted to burn all the crazy college books and all the evolution books, blah, blah blah. We have the audio of that.

GLENN: Play the audio here. This is from apparently the 9/12 project meeting where people could come and talk. I told you to do this. I actually told you to meet at your house, you know, get to know people and then maybe meet at your house so you knew who people were but ‑‑

STU: This is at a public, a restaurant of some sort.

GLENN: This is at a public restaurant. I guess anybody could attend and I don't even know if it's ‑‑ she was the one that labeled this at Glenn Beck 9/12 project.

STU: Yeah, that's their evidence of that one.

GLENN: Yeah. There's nothing in the picture that says 9/12, nobody says 9/12 but we don't know.

STU: Except her.

GLENN: Except her, the one taking the video. Here's the audio. (Audio playing)

STU: They are talking in the background here. This is some other guy talking now.

GLENN: They are talking about brainwashing. Stop, stop stop, stop stop. Here's a guy: You can't be serious about that. "Oh, yes, I am." You are talking about, seriously talking about burning all the books? "Oh, yes, all those ones that are brainwashing our kids are evolution and stuff like that." Okay. So that's what she's doing.

STU: Yeah, we need the end of the video.

GLENN: Oh, we need the end of the video? Go ahead. (Audio playing)

STU: Okay. So now it's difficult to hear there but you can hear it on your computer. First of all, "Rock on" is the person who's rooting to burn all books, really saying rock on. Do you believe it?

GLENN: Not evidence.

STU: Did that sound legitimate, though?

GLENN: This is crazy, but there are crazy people out there.

STU: Now, you can hear her, if you have your computer and you hear it turned up, you can hear her laugh as he walks away. First step, okay? Now she has also a couple other videos, one that she's, quote, has a hidden camera and she's trying to goad some guy into saying, you know, saying some sort of revolutionary thing, which he doesn't say.