Monday, April 27, 2009

Fox News says: First 100 Days: Social Policy Takes a Left Turn Under Obama

I have to say, I am actually shocked by this story. It is from a conservative news agency, and I am shocked that we are not showing any resistance to the current State of affairs of this country. It makes we wonder is the writer blind?? Are they living in the same America I am living in??

What baffles me, is we just witnessed almost half a million people protesting on one day against the current policies being enacted. I hear my friends who knew nothing about our Nations history learning about the Founding Fathers and their visions for this Country. I hear people using the words like "Principles" & "Values", it makes me proud that people are learning about our Nation's history. However, I forgot about the people who voted for our current President. Those who do what the media tells them. Think what the Politicians tell them to think.

I want to believe this is just a way for those who are trying to change this country for the worse, to use this as a tool to make us think we are alone in our beliefs. But I think they are wrong and I think they are under estimating us as Americans. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Support Sarah Pac!

I just found this web site for Sarah Palin. I don't know about all of you, but she inpires me and I believe she could help this country get back to is moral basics! Let's help Sarah make a run in 2012!

here is her web site:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gotta love them Tea Parties in good ol' Cave Creek

Tear..sigh... so my home town is having a Tea Party! It's even on a Sunday! This is cracking me up!! Who knew the little town of Cave Creek had enough Conservatives in it to have a ralley. Makes me pound my fist at my heart and say, good ol' Cave Creek always comes through!!! I just had to share in the Spirit of being light-minded on a Friday, the fever is spreading!!!

They even have a website!!!:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Justice Ginsburg argues for citing foreign law

Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 4/16/2009 4:30:00 AM

A constitutional law expert says recent comments by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg show once again that she is more concerned with what the world thinks than the self-interest of her own country.

Justice Ginsburg said during a symposium at Ohio State University that she does not understand why some of her colleagues on the Supreme Court are so opposed to citing foreign law in constitutional cases. Ginsburg argued that the failure to use foreign law to interpret the U.S. Constitution has resulted in diminished influence for the U.S. Supreme Court. She noted that the Canadian Supreme Court is "probably cited more widely abroad than the U.S. Supreme Court," because "[y]ou will not be listened to if you don't listen to others."

Curt Levey, executive director of the Committee for Justice, says liberal judges like Ginsburg believe they should be able to implement their own policy preferences from the bench.

"If you're not really bound by the law and you're just going to do what you think is right, then you know, it's okay to look to anything. If she wants to be inspired by poetry to decide what she thinks the law should be, well who are we to second-guess her? Of course I'm being a little bit facetious -- but given her belief in judicial activism, it's not surprising that she wants to be able to rely on as many sources of opinion as possible," he contends. "You know, no matter how ridiculous your position, you can always find somebody somewhere in the world who agrees with you."

Levey says the Constitution exists to protect the rights of Americans -- not to make them popular abroad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mr. President, Don't Mess With Texas--By Ted

You may have noticed I am a big fan of rugged individualism, self-reliance, individual freedoms, liberty, self-determination and defiance -- heavy on the defiance.

These are all uniquely American characteristics that are hard-wired into our genes thanks to our amazing, defiant forefathers. You must never forget that our forefathers courageously sailed across an unknown ocean, to an unknown land to establish a country free of tyranny, kings and emperors. They risked their lives, fortunes and families to create America, a radical experiment in self government. In gaining our freedom, they wrote our Constitution that limited the power and authorities of the federal government.

They were smart enough even back then to know that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that unless government is fenced it, it’ll roam all over individual liberty.

When writing the Bill of Rights they wrote the Tenth Amendment. Now I am no lawyer or windbag law maker, but I find the words of the Tenth Amendment easy to understand: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or simply put, by We the People.
You need not be a constitutional scholar to know the Tenth Amendment was clearly written to limit the abusive growth of power by the federal government. As Thomas Jefferson stated, "The States should be left to do whatever they can do as well as the federal government." The current gang of political punks, scoundrels and crooks in Washington DC are not worthy to stand in the shadow of the statue of Thomas Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial in DC.

In an attempt to weaken the roles and responsibilities of the states, Fedzilla has worked tirelessly over the years to destroy the Tenth Amendment by arguing the Commerce Clause of the Constitution is more important and relevant than the Tenth Amendment. As we have witnessed, Fedzilla has grown exponentially and has become a repressive force in every facet of our lives.

But there is hope for freedom, liberty and the rights of states to determine their own destinies. Even though it is on life support, there is a faint heart beat left in the Tenth Amendment. And the Great Republic of Texas, under the leadership of the good Governor Rick Perry, is joining the sixteen other states that have already made their defiant, sovereign statement of autonomy in the right way.

These states have now evoked the Tenth Amendment and declared their sovereignty to put the brakes on Emperor Obama's mob-like fiscal mandates in a dangerous attempt to strangle the liberty out of states by forcing states to accept the so-called stimulus money and thereby become slaves to Fedzilla control.

A very fundamental grasp of economics is all that is required to know that in times of economic slow downs the very last thing that should be done is to increase government spending and to raise taxes on the producers, which is the exact course Emperor Obama has taken--and it is killing the economy, eliminating jobs, and will dramatically slow down our economic recovery.

Atlas is shrugging even more under the weight of the largest federal spending orgy in modern times. This immoral spending spree has wiped out 30 percent of the stock market since Emperor Obama's inauguration. With this unprecedented gluttony, Emperor Obama is bankrupting the future of our children and grandchildren. Nice change, Emperor. By the way, you have no clothes and it hurts to look at you.

Perry is doing the right thing, for of all the states, Texas must never allow itself to become a slave to Washington, D.C. Instead, we must chart our own economic destiny and recovery by refusing the stimulus money, freezing state spending, cutting state taxes across the board, and offering tax incentives to existing and new businesses.

Additionally, I urge Perry to immediately call a conference of Texas business leaders and request they develop a Texas Economic Roadmap for Recovery. Let Texas lead the way.

Like a flooded river that has left its banks, Fedzilla has trampled on the Constitution by ignoring the Tenth Amendment. Texas is reminding Fedzilla that our founding fathers wrote the Tenth Amendment for the very ugly reasons we are witnessing today. Emperor Obama's economic tyranny must be stopped. We must tell Emperor Obama to not mess with Texas. Don't tread on me or any of us.

In the spirit of the brave defenders who gave birth to Texas by giving their lives at the Alamo, I say, "Remember the Tenth Amendment!"

STU's BLOG--Pass the stimulus, and unemployment will never go above 8%

This is the assistant radio personality on with Glenn beck. He is very intelligent and great with facts, check out the latest entry from his Blog:

Pass the stimulus, and unemployment will never go above 8%
Bt Stu on Glenn Beck

Outside of my obvious pro-Fox News bias, ABC’s Jake Tapper seems to be doing most of the heavy lifting for the entire profession of journalism these days (along with a couple of others.)

Yesterday he asked Robert Gibbs about a report that the Obama administration released in January—which showed what could happen to the unemployment rate if their world saving stimulus package was not passed (graph on page 5). Here are the highlights:

1) By their own estimation, the stimulus isn’t working as planned: The administration’s own estimates said that if the stimulus would pass, the unemployment rate would never rise above 8%. Its peak would be around 7.9% around the end of the year. Well…It’s at 8.5% already, and most economists seem to it’s getting worse before it gets better.

2) By their own estimation, the stimulus might be making things worse: The administration’s report showed that the unemployment rate would be about 8.1% right now if we had done NOTHING. So, it’s either that the stimulus plan is actually making things worse, or the economy is significantly worse than they thought. Which brings me to #3 …

3) What does this do to their estimates?: If their economic prognosis was this far off, this soon, what does this do to their deficit estimates 6 or 8 years out? They already were very ugly, but doesn’t this make them far worse?

Now, they do admit that there are high levels of uncertainty in their estimates–but this is the scenario that they’ve planned for. It’s early proof that the charges of “rosy scenarios” were correct.

Now who’s ready for their universal healthcare estimates?

Check out Stu's Blog here:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”

A number of recent federal proposals are not within the scope of the federal government’s constitutionally designated powers and impede the states’ right to govern themselves. HCR 50 affirms that Texas claims sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government.

It also designates that all compulsory federal legislation that requires states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties, or that requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding, be prohibited or repealed.

HCR 50 is authored by Representatives Brandon Creighton, Leo Berman, Bryan Hughes, Dan Gattis and Ryan Guillen.

To view the full text of the resolution, please visit:

** You can watch Gov. Perry's speech here:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Texas congressman who is a former judge warns that the "hate crimes" legislation reintroduced in the U.S. House could potentially lead to the arrest o

A Texas congressman who is a former judge warns that the "hate crimes" legislation reintroduced in the U.S. House could potentially lead to the arrest of Christian pastors who speak out against sexual immorality.

Representatives John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) are sponsoring the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1913), also known as the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act." The bill would add sexual orientation to the list of categories covered under federal hate crime law. When Democrats passed the bill in 2007, they were divided over whether to add "gender identity and expression" to the list.

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) says under the legislation, pastors, rabbis, or imams could be charged with encouraging or inducing a "hate crime" if they preach against homosexuality.

"Every preacher of the gospel, unless you cut out parts of it; every imam who mentions anything with regard to sexual immorality -- they could be pursued, and in other countries they have been," says the Texas lawmaker.

Gohmert shares information he received from abroad. "I was talking to a guy from Norway who was telling me that people are even afraid to say Mary was a virgin, because just bringing up sexuality at all can raise problems with law enforcement," he says.

Gohmert believes the Conyers-Kirk bill is also unnecessary because hate-motivated crimes are not a major national epidemic. He notes that during his time as a judge, he found that people who commit crimes out of anger and hate have a better chance of being rehabilitated than those who simply commit crimes randomly.

View the full article here:

Concerted effort to misrepresent the Tea Parties on April 15th

(I know it is a little rough to read, but it is really importan tif you are planning on coming to the Tea Parties. Always be aware of your surrounding and most of all pray for patience!!!)

GLENN: Now, the other thing that you need to do is stay vigilant. There is a concerted effort right now. You can tell when you're making a difference because the media will ignore you or the media will try to destroy you. And boy, oh, boy is the media out to destroy the tea party. I'm going to give you one example here and it's on how they are trying to destroy the 9/12 Project, and it shows you how irresponsible the media is because I asked Stu ‑‑ I got this and I said, Stu, can you look into this? Just spend two minutes and see what you can find. After, I'm not kidding, a two‑minute investigation, we found the truth behind what is going on, on this one project.

Now, I'm telling you this project, I'm using this as an example because this is exactly what the left crazy blogs and the left, you know, the media matters and everybody else, this is what they're doing. They are telling, the Huffington Post is telling people, make sure you go to these tea parties and bring cameras. We have intelligence that shows that organizations are showing up to disrupt. Whether or not it happens and I mean, I can't tell you what a stupid move it is on their part to go ‑‑ you don't go into a crowd and try to infiltrate and try to make it look like you're a ‑‑ yeah, I'm a crazy conservative. And that's exactly what they are going to do. There are people that are painting signs. I won't even tell you what they have instructed people to paint signs as. Horrible, horrible things. They are going to try to make look horrible. And take pictures so the media has that, okay? If you think that's crazy, I asked Stu to do an investigation. Tell me about the video here quickly, Stu.

STU: Okay. Basically there's a video that I've got posted, all of these blogs that you had mentioned talked about it. It talked about at a Glenn Beck tea party, burn the books was the headline. Has a little transcript of a woman yelling "Burn the books" and going through all the stuff about how she wanted to burn all the crazy college books and all the evolution books, blah, blah blah. We have the audio of that.

GLENN: Play the audio here. This is from apparently the 9/12 project meeting where people could come and talk. I told you to do this. I actually told you to meet at your house, you know, get to know people and then maybe meet at your house so you knew who people were but ‑‑

STU: This is at a public, a restaurant of some sort.

GLENN: This is at a public restaurant. I guess anybody could attend and I don't even know if it's ‑‑ she was the one that labeled this at Glenn Beck 9/12 project.

STU: Yeah, that's their evidence of that one.

GLENN: Yeah. There's nothing in the picture that says 9/12, nobody says 9/12 but we don't know.

STU: Except her.

GLENN: Except her, the one taking the video. Here's the audio. (Audio playing)

STU: They are talking in the background here. This is some other guy talking now.

GLENN: They are talking about brainwashing. Stop, stop stop, stop stop. Here's a guy: You can't be serious about that. "Oh, yes, I am." You are talking about, seriously talking about burning all the books? "Oh, yes, all those ones that are brainwashing our kids are evolution and stuff like that." Okay. So that's what she's doing.

STU: Yeah, we need the end of the video.

GLENN: Oh, we need the end of the video? Go ahead. (Audio playing)

STU: Okay. So now it's difficult to hear there but you can hear it on your computer. First of all, "Rock on" is the person who's rooting to burn all books, really saying rock on. Do you believe it?

GLENN: Not evidence.

STU: Did that sound legitimate, though?

GLENN: This is crazy, but there are crazy people out there.

STU: Now, you can hear her, if you have your computer and you hear it turned up, you can hear her laugh as he walks away. First step, okay? Now she has also a couple other videos, one that she's, quote, has a hidden camera and she's trying to goad some guy into saying, you know, saying some sort of revolutionary thing, which he doesn't say.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama Lies-Senate Uses Sneak Attack On Guns

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama deliberately and repeatedly lied to America's 90 million gun owners across the country when he insisted that he would not try to take away anyone's firearms, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.
Now House Republicans are trying to add an amendment to the public lands "Ominous Spending" lands bill that would codify the right to carry concealed weapons in national parks, less than a week after a federal judge blocked a similar proposal.
But, Senate leaders have devised a strategy to use a bill that had already passed the House -- H.R. 146, a proposal to protect Revolutionary War battlefields -- and strip its contents, replacing it with the "Ominous Spending" lands bill.
Because the House already passed H.R. 146, the Rules Committee can approve a closed rule that would block a motion to recommit, eliminating the GOP's best procedural chance to stymie the bill. The chamber would only need a simple majority vote to concur with the Senate amendment.
CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, reacting to the "Ominous Spending" lands bill tactic to force more gun control on U.S. citizen's said "the sneak attack on guns reveals the Democrats clear intention to outlaw guns everywhere" "Obama "has been lying to the nation when he says he will not take guns away."
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly placed an injunction on the Interior rule last week. The judge's ruling infringed on the rights of gun owners as drivers in areas such as Washington, D.C., often drive through federal park lands every day. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) said "It's ridiculous for people to be subject to two different sets of regulations simply because their car moved a few feet," Bishop said in a statement. "The judge's decision last week was wrong."
"We warned America that Obama's 'support' for the Second Amendment was empty rhetoric," he stated, "and now his support for the "Ominous Spending" lands bill shows Obama was lying, and now gun rights may be dying."
"Right now," said Gottlieb, "I wouldn't take Obama's word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle. Apparently, law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear unless they drive to work in Washington DC and park or drive in the wrong place."
In order to stop Obama and his fellow Democrat gun-grabbers-we need to let the Congress know with thousands of faxes telling them to leave guns alone.
Americans like you who understand what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation...and who are willing to fight to defend our Constitution and for what it stands.
So please, help the Citizens Committee and me defeat those who wish to gut and trash the United States Constitution.
Help me flood the U.S. Senate and the House with the sea of FAXES big enough to drown each and every Senator and Representative willing to vote away the Second Amendment.
Keep calling your Senators and Congressmen today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away!
CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS.
DO NOT BE SILENCED - MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators and Representatives right away!
Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.
For more information about CCRKBA click here. Thank you. I know I can count on you.
Alan Gottlieb
ChairmanCitizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Catholics Take Offense to Obama Naming Critic of Pope Benedict to Faith-Based Panel

This is not just against Catholics, this is against all Christians!!!!! Read below (as reported on

A representative of a national gay rights group who was appointed by President Obama to a White House advisory council this week once described Pope Benedict XVI and some Catholic bishops as "discredited leaders" because of their opposition to same-sex marriage.

Harry Knox, director of the religion and faith program at Human Rights Campaign, a Washington-based gay rights group, lambasted the prelates in a gay newspaper last month for their support of Proposition 8, the successful November ballot measure that made same-sex marriage unconstitutional in California.

Knox told the Bay Area Reporter that the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic fraternal service organization, were "foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression" for their role in the campaign, saying the group "followed discredited leaders," including bishops and Pope Benedict.
"A pope who literally today said condoms don't help in control of AIDS," he said, referring to the pope's statement condemning the use of condoms in Africa.

William Donahue, president of the Catholic League, said the appointment of Knox further undermines a faith-based program that has been watered down by Obama.
"People are right to criticize the Catholic Church for anything," Donahue told "But Harry Knox is not just a critic. He's insulting. He used disdainful, disparaging terms to talk about the pope and the Catholic hierarchy. If someone were appointed using that language about homosexuals, he would be thrown out."

Donahue said he would prefer to see Obama end the faith-based initiative.
Knox did not return messages seeking comment.

Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of DignityUSA, an organization for gay Catholics, who has worked closely with Knox, called Knox a strong supporter of Catholicism who acknowledges the good works of the church.

"But I think he also represents a valid viewpoint in criticizing the Catholic bishops' efforts to sustain continual oppression in this country," she said, adding that they have been the primary financial backers of measures to block the human rights of gay couples. "The bishops have done a lot of damage to our communities, and [Knox's] presence in that circle brings a much needed voice."

Knox is among the 25-member advisory council that is part of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

Obama established the office in February with a broader mission than the one previously overseen by President Bush. Obama said the new office, which he created by executive order, would reach out to organizations that provide help, "no matter their religious or political beliefs."
Some have accused Obama of appointing Knox to deflect criticism from liberal groups after he invited former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy to be part of the council. Dungy, an evangelical Christian, supported efforts in Indiana to ban same-sex marriage in 2007. He declined Obama's offer, citing scheduling conflicts.

Donahue noted that Obama asked the Rev. Gene Robinson, an Episcopal bishop from New Hampshire and a vocal gay rights leader, to open his inauguration with a prayer after liberal groups decried the invitation of evangelical Pastor Rick Warren, who opposes gay marriage, to deliver the inaugural invocation.

"The counter to Dungy is Harry Knox," Donahue said. "But you don't counter a man with traditional beliefs with an anti-Catholic bigot. It's not a moral equivalent."
Duddy-Burke rejected that notion, saying Obama's selections show his respect for diversity of beliefs.

"I, as a person of faith, really applaud the president for casting a wide net in selecting a panel of religious advisers, because it represents the diversity of religious voices in the country," she said.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great Resource to Write the Liberal Media!

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of boycotting every news station but Fox because they are unbalanced in their reporting! I have started writing letters to editors and just to anyone in general that I can get a hold of at the new stations. I know I may be one of few and I'm sure they’re getting a kick out of this one person complaining, but if we all complain, they may change their tune.

As a journalism major, I can tell you that the news is a business. There is no regulation and they do what ever they have to, to sell newspapers and news shows. That includes bending the truth. Unfortunately, these news entities do not take the “Code of Journalism Ethics” seriously and they use their news organizations to push their own agendas. Well enough is enough! We are viewers too and I want to see all the news, not just some! Demand that you want balanced reporting!! I'm not asking them to stop reporting the other side; I'm asking them to report both sides!! If we can hit them hard, in the pocket book by boycotting and telling them why we are boycotting, they may change their minds!! Here is a link to a website that can give a list and links to all the news organizations in your area. Click on your state on the map and write away!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama appoints open homosexual to faith-based office

Jim Brown and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 4/7/2009 8:00:00 AM

The head of a conservative activist group says President Obama's appointment of a leading homosexual activist to his faith-based council is an ominous sign that he may enforce a "pro-homosexuality orthodoxy" on religious groups receiving federal funds, which is itself a form of bigotry.

Barack Obama has appointed outspoken homosexual activist Harry Knox to the White House Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Knox, who is the director of the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Religion and Faith program, will serve a one-year term on the 25-member Council. Two years ago during an appearance on MSNBC, Knox argued that scientific evidence supports the notion that certain people are born homosexuals. "What's clear from our experience and from science is that being gay or lesbian is an immutable, unchangeable gift from God -- one for which I'm very grateful," he said. According to the HRC website, Knox is a former licensed pastor of a United Methodist Church in Georgia, and was denied ordination because of his sexual orientation.

Last month, Knox was critical of Pope Benedict's statement that condom usage increases HIV infections. That stance, said Knox, "is hurting people in the name of Jesus." He has also referred to "lesbian and gay" ministerial candidates as "gifted ministers." HRC cites Knox as "instrumental in creating a national network for 22 progressive state clergy coalitions" across the U.S. But Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says the HRC staff member is at the forefront of a movement that seeks to rewrite the Bible to support homosexuality. "Harry Knox is part of an organization which is fundamentally bigoted against Christians and promotes the exclusion of Christians from various fora," he contends. "For example, Human Rights Campaign used its influence to kick me off a diversity panel that I was supposed to be part of on dealing with faith and controversial issues, including homosexuality." While the HRC staffer claims he "will support the president in living up to his promise that government has no place in funding bigotry against any group of people," LaBarbera says Knox will be "using his influence to keep Christians out of government-funded programs."

Friday, April 3, 2009

Topic for Monday meeting!!

We are meeting with our group, here in AZ, on Monday (4/6) and we'll be talking about how to prepare if "you know what" hits the fan.

I'm not saying spend your savings on ammunition, food storage, build a bomb shelter and pull all you money out of the bank and hide it in your mattress... that would be a little over board. But there are things you and your family can do to prepare, just in case. We plan to go over what things we can do financially to prepare, what we can do for reasonable food storage (which is good to have no matter what kind of times you are in) and what we can do prepare for our own family's safety.

Plus, we plan to go over what we believe the signs will be of the economy getting worse or even a possible depression.

I know some people have told me that a depression will not happen, so what is my response?... "I hope you are right, believe me, but if it is does happen and I'm not ready, the consequence will be great; however, if I prepare and it doesn't happen, then I just have a lot of things I will use over time and not have to go shopping for awhile." Bottom line, you can be prepared without going overboard.

My boyfriend always taught me, if you think of the unthinkable before it happens and work out how you will handle it, you have a lot of time to think about what you would do, rather than being unprepared and having to make a life altering decision in just moments. It is hard to fear something when you have prepared for it.

Leave your comments on the topics below and I'll post our ideas on Tuesday, Have a great weekend everyone!

Everything's amazing, nobody's happy

In the spirit of keeping things light on a Friday, check out the link to this video. Although it is done in a funny commentary by the comedian, Louis CK, he makes a great point! I think if we look at everything this way, we would be grateful for all of our blessings!!

Happy Friday Everyone!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Put Conservative Into Practice

Put Conservatism Into Practice

From Mike Huckabee

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 7:51am
Enough already of the hand-wringing and night sweats about the demise of the conservative movement!

Conservatives aren't challenged because of the basic principles that define us, but by the failure of the principles being translated into policy and practice.

Gandhi once said, "If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today."

I would be so brazen to say that if conservatives would really live according to the principles of classic conservatism, all of America would be conservative today.

The crisis is not one over the precepts, but the practice. It's not that we've failed in our doctrine, but our "doing."

Conservatives believe that the best government is the most local government possible and that the 10th Amendment means something and should be followed. Yet, the supposedly conservative Republican Party has been a drum major for the expanded role of the federal government.

Our founders feared a highly centralized and endowed federal government, instead preferring a system of strong and virtually independent states so that no one person, party, or power broker would exercise a great deal of control.

The inherent danger of allowing too much power in the hands of the few was the heart of the major dispute between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson won, believing that the dispersing of power among the states would by design keep the federal government from becoming too consuming and powerful in its approach to governing. The genius of the 10th Amendment, as is true of all of the Bill of Rights, was that it deliberately limited what the government could do - not what the individual could do.

The 10th Amendment defines the limits of the federal government in 28 words: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Over the past few years, Republicans have been either acquiescing in or encouraging the acquisition of more power and control by the federal government - in policy shifts in education, health care, and even how a driver's license looks.

During my 10 years as a governor, a constant battle raged with my own federal government over such programs as "Real I. D.," which was a federally conceived idea to force states to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to re-format the look of a state-issued drivers license so it would become the equivalent of a federal ID card.

Of course, no member of Congress wanted to come out and advocate an actual federal ID card, so forcing the states to make the driver's license the substitute seemed brilliant to Washington.

What they didn't really think about or seem to care the least about, despite the numerous attempts by governors, Democrat and Republican to explain, was that a state driver's license is just what it claims to be - a license to drive a motor vehicle. It is not proof of citizenship, good behavior or church attendance, and the people who work the counter at the state Department of Motor Vehicles are not trained law enforcement officers, immigration officials, CIA agents or detectives. They are typically entry-level state employees who do their best, but are hardly the choice front line of defense to catch a potential terrorist by discovering their true identity.

Ditto that for reforming the Medicaid program.

Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner - now Sen. Warner - and I spent many frustrating days on Capitol Hill trying to convince House and Senate members that the Medicaid program was out of control, financially unsustainable, and needed flexibility at the state level. Thanks primarily to Congressmen Joe L. Barton of Texas and Nathan Deal of Georgia, we finally were able to convince Congress that some of the decisions for the program could be made better if made closer to the people being served.

Perhaps no other example is more glaring than having painfully watched so-called Washington conservatives abandon the most fundamental principle of conservatism - fiscal restraint. A Republican administration pushed for and got the authority to spend $700 billion that we had to borrow from our grandchildren's future so we could do what government has no business doing - picking out winners and losers in the private sector marketplace.

It was especially disgusting to me to watch some of the very leaders who had smugly dismissed my candidacy for president because I had the audacity to speak out against the excesses of Wall Street and Washington as early as February 2007 now stand up and flop-sweat as they explained why they were about to support the government taking off the striped shirts of the referee and put on the jersey of a team to play the game for one team against another all in the name of "saving the markets."

By abandoning our bedrock conservative principles, and those of our founding fathers, they risked ruining our country to save the markets.

What gives me hope is my belief that the party of Reagan will reunite behind the consistent conservative policies that have made our country great - policies that empower individuals, families, and entrepreneurs, not government, to shape our own destinies. If we do that, we will not fail.

We don't need so much to redefine conservatism. Just practice the real thing.

Sincerely,Mike Huckabee

It's time for us to Step-Up!

I truly believe in living by your beliefs. I believe that we do not need government-assisted programs, because I believe the community should rally around those who are down. We take care of our own, UNTIL they can get back on their feet. If your community was good enough to help you, there would be a sense of appreciation for their help, not entitlement to their help as most feel with government help. You would do everything you could, so your community would no longer have to help you. Then, a way to pay them back, you would be there to help others in the community when they are down.

This is the way it used to be, not so long ago. When I lived in Cave Creek as a kid, we would bring food to families we knew that were having a hard time and if my Mom had to clean houses all day and we had a day off from school, our neighbor would baby-sit for free. That is how I was raised, if you can help someone, you should... but you do not have to. That is what creates that warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart when you are done helping, you didn't have to, but you did and that makes you a better person.

To live this principle, I believe we should volunteer our time to our community. There are a million different ways to volunteer, at a church, organization, an event to raise money, etc. etc. What I recommend is to search your heart and find what truly means something to you. Maybe it is adopting a Soldier overseas and writing him every week. Maybe it is at an orphanage, maybe you are good at organizing events, and although you never see the people you are helping, you are helping them just the same. The key is to find something you are passionate about and dive in, head first. I guarantee it will enrich your life just as much as those you help.

So I make a challenge to all the "The Everyday Conservatives" live the values in which we preach… volunteer, even if it is for an hour a month! Everyone can find some time every month to give back. Donating money is some of it, but what volunteering will do for you and the ones you help, is priceless. Make the commitment and you will never regret it!!!!!!