Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conservatives are Evil

Please read this article -

Don't we all feel this way sometimes? I know I do. I want to have a conversation with anybody who wants to talk about the direction of this nation, but instead of a civilized debate, it turns into me being yelled at and comments like "I thought you were a smart girl," or "I didn't know you were drinking the kool-aide".

The part I find funny is the tactic of the ignorant to make you look like the idiot. I have seen ignorance on both sides, I have been in a debate with someone in a social setting and had a Conservative come up and try to support my point, only to botch the point and make it look like conservatives don't know what they are talking about, not just that person. First off, I never get baited into an argument I know nothing about. If you do, you just sound stupid. If someone tried to engage me in something I know nothing or little about I simply listen, take mental notes and then research what that person said. Hopefully, I will have the same conversation with that person at a later date and either back up their claims with facts or disprove what they presented.

I think that is a lot of the space between Liberals and Conservatives right now... ignorance. I think there are ignorant people on both sides, but I do find more that Conservatives do tend to be more informed then Liberals. Not to say all Liberals are stupid, they are not. The most genius, cunning and creative people I know are Liberals. the difference is, the truth is a lot harder to accept then a made up utopia, Progressives and Liberals like to work toward. Conservatives tend to look into issues. Try to support their opinions with facts, real facts, not just claims. Usually that is why they are Conservative, it is because they have looked into the issue, not just regurgitate wheat the media has spoon-fed them.

I believe a lot of the reason Conservatives are Conservatives is because of A.) Faith in God and B.) the desire to seek the truth. I was raised in a very Liberal household. Both my Parents are extremely Liberal and vote based on the Democratic Party. There is no research, they are presented with one side and instead of looking into the other side, they just accept what they hear first and take that as truth. Trust me, me being the Conservative I am and the Liberals they are, we have had some colorful conversations over Thanksgiving meal, but I do notice one common thread in most of our debates. Even though they are my parents, they try to use any means possible to discredit me in their own heads, because they do not like hearing the truth, the truth they know in their gut is right. An example is one Holiday meal we were discussing politics and WWII came up. I got the date of the war ending incorrect, from that point on my father used that as the example as to why I didn't know what I was talking about. He specifically said, "You can’t even get the date of the end of the war right, how can I believe anything else you are saying."

At that point what can you do? There is nothing you can do; if someone would use the fact that you got a date wrong on a war, in which the date of the war ending serves no baring on the point of the conversation, you are talking with someone who is not debating, not have a conversation, they want you to listen to them and just accept what they say as truth. At that point, I just stop talking. A lot of times they like to listen to themselves talk, I do find that a common trait among Liberals. For people who talk down to "rich white guys” they sure are wealthy and rich and want the appearance of intelligence. For people who tout tolerance of differing views and differing lifestyles, what they mean is Conservatives need to show tolerance to their beliefs, not the other way around.

I don’t think I have ever called someone an idiot or stupid in a conversation or debate. I have never been the first to raise my voice. Have I raised my voice; I can fall to that trap here and there, but I try to catch myself quick and just sit there and take it from the other person yelling. Because in the end, if anyone is watching, it is them who appear to be the ignorant one not me.

The agree with the author, it is seen as bad thing to be a Conservative these days, but I think it is just one of the crosses you have to bear to walk beside Christ. I attribute my faith as the reason for my choice to be a Conservative. My Faith is what molds most of my decisions, at least the good ones. I find that when I make the wrong choice it is because I did what I wanted to do, not what the God wanted me to do, and I always regret that decision. I always pray for the Lord to grant me patience in these discussions with people, let me be his voice in the debate. That I think is the main reason Liberals have it wrong. The do not give as much weight to their faith.

I truly believe you CANNOT be a Christian and believe in the Progressive Movement. I have met Liberal Christians who believe Abortion is wrong, who believe in gun rights, who believe life is sacred at all stages, etc, etc. But that is an old Liberal way of thinking and back in the day, I might have been one. But today's breed is not at all about common sense. It is about control, laziness and intolerance. It is about forcing their views on me and making me live by their creeds.

I don't care what kind of Christian a Liberal says they are, if you voted for our current President, you are not a practicing Christian. Any Christian who supports a candidate that supports abortion rights will have to answer for that decision on judgment day. The Bible asks us to hold our brother and sisters accountable. I choose to do that, when by the grace of God I understand the time is right. I say this prayer a lot to myself when trying to spread his word in the world of politics:

"Lord, give me the strength to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can't and the wisdom to know the difference."
God Bless.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is anybody else offended?

Is anybody else as offended as I am? The fact that our President is lying straight to all the American people and has the nerve to tell our religious leaders, some people are "Bearing False Witness"? The man has never even spoken about his faith in depth other than I am a Christian. I don't hear how he basis all of his decisions on faith how he lives a life of faith, yet he is going to try and tell us to be moral in our decisions on health care? That’s what we are doing Mr. President!!!! Deny, deny, deny is their strategy and they are staying the course. But, we know what we have seen, what we have witnessed in these town halls, these people are lying to us to get what they want.

The difference is people couldn't see through the BS in the campaign, but I think they are now. The Progressives continually call us liars, a right wing extremist, "astro turf" and people who give “disinformation”. What are they doing, they are using extremist values to isolate and then ridicule to disassemble the American people pulling together as a community. (Who knew Community organizing would put a kink in the President’s plan J) Well guess what, it isn't working. We see through your lies, you promised the world and what you meant was you wanted to take the world. You don't want healthcare for all of us. Anyone can walk into a hospital and receive treatment. You want my money and you want power over my life and take away my freedoms, but sorry, I'm not willing to give it up. Freedom has been bred into Americans and we know when it is being taken away.

I hear politicians saying now they aren't going to vote the will of the people; they will vote the way they want to because they know what is better for us then we do, what? That is not freedom, that is not American, that is tyranny! We cannot depend on our elected politicians; actually they have become a lot of what we need to fight against to keep our freedoms. We need to look at the civil rights movement and use that as an example. You can threaten whatever you wish, we will not move from this bridge, this is my country and you can't have it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a quick thought...

I just have one, quick thought for today. Don’t you find it funny that Obama used to be a community organizer, Acorn is a Community Organization (along with many others) and the Democrats have used the tactics of Community Organization for years to discredit us and make us look like the minority?

But when the Conservatives and majority of the Christians in this country organize their communities to show up to these town halls, they say we are "Astroturf"?? This is hilarious! That means we are getting to them. See they thought that Tea Parties were a joke and if they just ignored us, we would go away. Turns out we didn't, actually them ignoring us just created more rage and concern.

So what's burning their hide so much to call all this manufactured rage?? The fact that we are using their tactics against them and it is working, perhaps? The funny part is they are accusing the Republican groups of paying people to be at the town hall meetings, when in fact that is what they are doing on the other side. They are trying to pack the town hall meetings early to keep us out. What is funny about that is the fact that they are keeping the everyday, average American out and just as ignoring the Tea Parties angered us, so will this. (We can't get there early, because we all work and don’t have all day to sit in a meeting for $20 for the day, LOL just kidding ;-)

I just find a lot of humor in the fact that we didn’t even know we were community organizing, we just all felt the same and showed up. We are not alone, we are the majority and I know if we stay on this path, one day they will have to listen… I just hope it is some day soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't piss on my Leg and tell me it's Raining!

So I have been like all of you. Watching the videos of Liberal Congress and Senators talking about how they are for a Single-Payer system in healthcare. Something I already knew, but I figured it was great that the videos are making the rounds, because people can see what a bunch of liars they are... telling us, oh no, our intention is to never make it a single-payer system... yeah right check out these videos:

Here's my boy Barney:

This is a good one of our President:
Here's another one of Obama and some now his advisors:

So these are just a few, but they pretty much have the same tone as the rest (if you need me to, I can send you many more, just email me. But for the sake of the length of this post, I'll keep it short) So I have to ask, do you think that those statements, by any of those people, were taken out of context? Where they given a spin job by the extremist rightwing nut jobs??? I don't think so and to be totally honest they just tell me what I already knew.

But here is the fun part; the White released a video in response to all these videos surfacing on the web and media. They obviously see the nightmare that is becoming their healthcare bill because people are beginning to wake up, so what are they doing, they are trying to isolate you and then ridicule you. They want you to think you are crazy and if you haven't joined the protests or you are on the fence about the issues, the White House wants to make sure you don't join their side! Watch their response to what the President and his colleges have said:

They say that facts are stubborn things... Yeah, stubborn for them! Conservative watchdog groups are beginning to form and people are beginning to talk and they are learning about the pile of "you know what" we were handed in the elections and told it was gold. The fact that they think we are this stupid means we can gain the upper hand. Apparently they underestimate our intelligence and we can work that to our advantage. Here is another good example of how we are just "Loud Shrill Voices" as described by Harry Reid:

People, these are our elected officials; last time I checked it is still law that they represent us. They are starting to feel the heat from the the town hall meetings and the tone is the anger they see in their constituents. We need to not only keep it up, but also turn up the volume. We can be silent no more. I fear this could be a point of no return if it goes through, but I am optimistic it could be a turning point for us. If we win this, the era of us fearing them will be over and them fearing us will be back. I'm not going to stand for these people pissing on my leg and tell me it's raining, what do I do when someone pisses on my leg, make them wish they never had :-) God Bless!