Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't play their game

I hear of the people who are sending threats to the politicians that have voted for the heath care bill and I say, SHAME ON THEM!

Shame on you for discrediting what level-headed Americans are trying to accomplish. Shame on you for turning to violence to say your words. Shame on you for giving the Progressives the ammunition they need to discredit the movement that could help bring our country back to what it should be. This makes you no different then them. You believe the end justifies the means. You think if violence makes them stop then it is OK. Well it's not.

Think of the people who are in charge. They are the 1960's radicals that used the same tactics and they learned from their mistakes. They learned that bombing federal buildings, threatening politicians, and violent protests did not get their message across, so they adapted. They, over a long period of time, have melted into main stream tactics with radical ideas. They also learned how they were treated like outsiders, how many dismissed them because of their tactics and they want us to do the same.

They want you to discredit yourself. Because although the message may be right, when you use violence to accomplish communication of that message, the message is lost and the only thing left standing is the heinous act of violence.

Learn from their mistakes and learn from the peaceful Civil Rights movement. It is through change of thought of our fellow citizens and leaders that this country will be changed. Focus on informing people not try to control them. Thought is far more powerful then any violent act. Think about rebuttals to progressive views and go armed to family gatherings and parties. Be the voice of reason not the fist of violence. For true justice and freedom are achieved through the battlefield of ideas, not at the barrel of a gun.

Glenn Beck said something today that made the best sense I have heard in a long time and one we all forget. We have the biggest weapon of all time that can never be beat. We have Faith and Prayer. Get on your knees and pray for God's guidance, strength and wisdom. Remember, this is his country and he can take it back and use peace to do it!