Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gotta love the lies on heath Care from our fearless leader!

This is what I received from the White House on health Car Reform: My comments are in (Parenthesis) ---Jen

Dear Friend,

If you’re like most Americans, there’s nothing more important to you about health care than peace of mind. (True)

Given the status quo, that’s understandable. The current system often denies insurance due to pre-existing conditions, charges steep out-of-pocket fees – and sometimes isn’t there at all if you become seriously ill. (So far not true for me, I have spent more on my dogs health bills than I have my own, plus I have discovered that I have a genetic condition and it has been quit costly for my insurance, I have only paid a total of $600 to take care of it.)

It’s time to fix our unsustainable insurance system(what makes it unsustainable? I agree Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable, because they are about to go under financially. But my insurance company is actually doing quite well. The only system in trouble is the Governments system, so what they really mean is, I don’t want them to have all the money, I want some of that money, so I am going to take all of the money and make you pay for it) and create a new foundation for health care security (The foundation is fine, he just wants to reinvent it to serve his purpose). That means guaranteeing your health care security and stability with eight basic consumer protections: (Oh these should be good)

-No discrimination for pre-existing conditions (This means, me who has no health problems or very little is going to be forced to pay for the health problems of someone else, except I can’t shop around for the best deal, I will be forced into this one)

-No exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles or co-pays (This means deficit increase, or lack of health care because it isn’t in the budget. Meaning I had better healthcare before the Government took over)

-No cost-sharing for preventive care (The way I see it, there is going to be a whole lot of cost sharing going on!)

-No dropping of coverage if you become seriously ill (No they won’t drop your coverage, they just will find way to make it seem like you don’t need care or have to wait for care.)

-No gender discrimination (I didn’t realize gender discrimination was going on now? I don’t know about you, but I have never heard of a person being denied based on gender. Preexisting conditions, yes, but not gender. This cracks me up, because they act as thought that is a problem now.)

-No annual or lifetime caps on coverage (No, they’ll just use euthanasia on you when you get too old or just let you die, ask a veteran, they’ll tell you all about it)

-Extended coverage for young adults (This means abortion, birth control, STD treatment, etc.)

-Guaranteed insurance renewal so long as premiums are paid (You have to pay us all we want, but we don’t have to give you the treatment you need. If a government official thinks you can live another year with that cancer and not die, you will wait. And if you die in that time period, oh well, one less person to insure.)

Learn more about these consumer protections at our website.

Over the next month there is going to be an avalanche of misinformation and scare tactics from those seeking to perpetuate the status quo. (There are going to be many people telling you the truth about what this would do to our Country financially and that your healthcare will decline) But we know the cost of doing nothing is too high. (Meaning, that everyday the government doesn’t have power over your healthcare, they more money the government is loosing.) Health care costs will double over the next decade, millions more will become uninsured, and state and local governments will go bankrupt. (Actually they are describing what will happen if the health Care Reform bills goes into effect, they messed up on this one, except it won’t be that you are not insured, it will be that your insurance refuses to give you health CARE! Big difference.)

It’s time to act and reform health insurance, drive down costs and guarantee the health care security and stability of every American family. (The healthcare Bill will do none of these; they will actually make all of these problems worse) You can help by putting these core principles of reform in the hands of your friends, your family, and the rest of your social network. (Become a Community organizer, so that we can make Acorn more powerful to control your lives, because that is the Progressive’s best tool to take over a nation’s government)

Thank you, Barack Obama (The guy trying to “redefine” your country)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who could be the leadership of tomorrow?

I was talking with a friend about leadership, especially the leadership we have in charge of our country right now, or should I say lack of, and in the conversation came an idea. What kind of person do we need to lead this country? We argue that the people in office right now are wrong, so who is right? I think if we ask ourselves that question, organize in our heads the traits we are looking of in our leaders, we can start to single out the good ones from the bad ones. Have a plan to choose our future leaders.

All I hear from people I speak with about politics is that they no longer trust either side, I say GOOD! This country wasn't built on a two party system. Republicans and Democrats where existent, but the parties were completely different then what they are today. This country was based off an up and down scale, not a left to right. The up and down represent anarchy on one side and full government control on the other. Our Founding Fathers believed that we must find the middle. That this country was based on the individual, not the collective and that the Constitution MUST protect the individual's rights.

I believe the line of where we are on the scale of government has gone up, it started with the Bush administration and has skyrocketed under the Obama administration.

The leaders we have in office do not have my interest at heart, they have their own and guess what people, follow the money trail! If it puts money and power into their hands, let me guess what they will vote for. You think they are where they are because they vote the will of the people? No, they are where they are because when the people who want to give them money say “jump”, our politicians say "How high?"

What got me thinking about the leader we need is Sarah Palin. Yeah, she seems to have fizzled out and I agree, she could surprise us all and come back stronger than ever. I think she believes what she believes and I think she does what is right. I think she made a mistake on letting the McCain campaign tell her what to say, because I do believe she came off as not being sure about her leadership abilities. I did research on her as far as what she did for the State of Alaska and you can't accomplish all of what she did without being articulate, well educated and having morals, which I think are virtues seldom found in politics these days.

I think what is her downfall is, is her devotion to her family and doing what is right. Is that bad, not really, I think it is good, but when you have that trait and media and politicians know that and use it against her, she is doomed from the start. Plus, what is a way to get a good Governor out of office, make it so they can't work and become a burden on the state. File as many ethics violations as you can, even though they are warrentless and have no merit, she still has to pay to fight them, or should I say Alaska has to pay to fight them. Because she has morals and realizes that they have pretty much neutralized her leadership abilities, she needs to resign. It's quit brilliant of the other side if you ask me, shady as hell and wrong, but it worked, right?

The problem is none of the ethics violations came back against her, they have all been dismissed. But that is what the progressives are best at, twisting and manipulation something that is meant for good to work for their purpose? Taking a law to prevent devious acts and use it to get a good politician out of office. And what do you hear about on the news, you hear how she has 18 ethics violations against her, you don't here they are all dismissed and the majority of them are filed by the same people and groups.

I think her biggest mistake was saying "how high" when McCain said "Jump". Which is a trait of today's politicians, but she was a rookie. If it were a set of different circumstances, I think she could have been a great leader. But, maybe she choose her family over the circus we call Washington. Can you blame her? I know I can't. I have been persecuted for things I haven't done and I tell you, it is no fun. Not anywhere close to the extent she has, but I think what disappoints me about her decision is I hope it doesn’t teach others to quit when the fire gets hot. I figure if the fire is getting hot, you’ve hit a nerve and keep pushing. The Lord will protect you. Not without burns and injuries, but you will succeed, especially when you are doing what is right.

So if currently, Sarah Palin isn't looking like the leader we have all hoped for, then who will it be? It has to be someone with the drive and determination of someone who truly believes in this country. Because you have to think, if a true leader emerged, it wouldn't be from either party and they would not only need the mental support of this nation but the financial support of the citizens. It would have to be someone who could inspire people to be the patriots our Founding Fathers were and get them to live the life of the True American. To be self-reliant and live for what is right, not what you can get for free.

They would have to have a tough skin, because you know the barrage of attacks that would come from the Republicans and Democrats, media, special interests, etc. etc. would be huge! I think a lot of people are worried about their dirty laundry being on national television for all to see. Can you blame them? There are things in my past I would like to keep there, but would be brought up and I would have to answer for them and who likes to do that? But, they would have to just be honest. Don’t hide your past, embrace your past. Explain how those past mistakes, made you the person you are today. Explain how through those mistakes they can empathize with people in the same situation but can be a guide them on how to get out and by doing the right thing. There is nothing more honorable than owning up to a mistake, and holding yourslef accountable. If a person could not respect that, chances are it is because they don't share the same backbone you have.

I think people are just craving honest and actual transparency, not just talk about it. I think that's why people bought into the Obama that was sold during the election. He said all the right things; problem is he hasn’t delivered on any of it. I guess he has delivered on the part of "remaking America". But people just want to know what is going on, so they can feel good about the country their children are being raised in and their future is stable.
We need just an Everyday Conservative to bring this country back to where it once was. I hope they’re out there. I pray every night to give the strength to the person who could bring actual hope back to the country, not a false premise of one. It could be me, but it could be you!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Progressive Movement

I was going to do a posting about health Care Reform, but I decided to concentrate on the macro, instead of the micro. I don’t know if you have done any research on the Progressive Movement, but I challenge you to look into the history.

For a lack of better words, it is Communism with a facelift. You don’t recognize it as Communism, but the roots of the Progressive Movement were started by Communist.

They are a patient bunch of people and know the concept of taking inches to make a mile all too well. They have been working on this country since the early 20th century and so far, they are succeeding.

Why are they succeeding? Because they make little advances in their agenda, so little that most people don't even notice, or they think, "Oh that's not that big of a change". But look at the history and you will see how far we have deviated from where we began.

We began as a Nation that didn’t see right or left, conservative or Liberal, but up and down. The Founding Fathers were more concerned about how much Government is too much Government and how little Government is not enough. You have to find a happy medium. A medium where laws are given to the people that allow you the God given rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and the protection of your property.

The Progressives want to squash all that this country was built on. One of the main facets of American culture they want to dispose of is the Family. They have been working to tear down the Family Unit since the early 1900's. Because a stable family unit is what makes this country strong. The parents are both there to guide the children. The children have a sense of security and belonging. When you have a family you tend to care how your community is run because it affects your family. I could go on forever on the benefits of family, but I am sure you all know.

But when the family unit is strong, welfare is down, crime is down, health is better and the generations to come become productive members of society, not needing much help from the government to get by on a day to day basis. Of course that is no good for the Progressives.

If you can take care of yourself, then you don’t need them and if you don’t need them, then they have no power over you. It is quit simple actually, this movement is about power. They are not satisfied having power over their own lives and family, they want power of yours. Do you think the Government has programs such as welfare, food stamps and access because it wants to help people? Of Course not, if you are living based on what they give you, they own you.

Think about it, if they said, we are not going to give you your welfare until you have a birth control device implanted... I bet they would all get birth control devices implanted. This is a form of control and people are blind to see it.

The Progressive also, have a specific agends with a set of steps they are achieveing little by little until recently. Now they are in the phase where they are pouncing on the system to overload it. That is their tactic. If they can overload the system, the system will crash and fail. And guess who will be right there with a system to replace it, yup, the Progressives. If you bankrupt people, make them so there is no way to earn a living, no way to do anything on their own, they will have to come to the Government for help. And that is where the progressives step in.

I know, some of you are thinking I am crazy, but I have decided to look to history for my views. I have studied the Nazi take over of Germany and the similarities between what is going on now with America and Nazi Germany are startling. When the Government makes you think there is only way out, only one way to fix it and they twist and distort the truth to make it look like their way is the only way this country will survive and we buy it, people, we are in big trouble.

I have friends who tell me, oh no, that would never happen, we would never become that... Oh really. I am sure that is what the Jewish people of Middle Europe thought as well right before WWII, until it was too late.

Which brings me to health care reform. If anyone comes to me and tells me that the government run health care in Europe and Canada is so great and it is working well, how about they talk to some people who have experienced it. People are on 6 months to a year waiting list just to get treatment. People are dying because they can’t get the treatment they need, because the government is getting in the way of their freedom to health and decide what they want to do to survive. More and more Europeans and Canadians are coming to American to save their own lives, because they can pay for the treatment here.

I also look at the fact that the government has no successful agency that runs efficiently. The VA is a mess, Medicare is even worse and don’t get me started on Social Security. So why would all of a sudden they be able to run health care without a hitch. Not to mention the cost. But this is an iatrical part of the plan of control. This and Cap and Trade. They can control what we eat, where we go, how we use energy in our homes, how log we stay on the Internet, etc. etc. Freedoms are gone and for what to provide health care to people who already had options before for free health care? For people who still have to wait for treatment, but now I also have to wait for treatment.

All of this BS about, oh you can keep your health care if you like it, we will not force you do get anything you don’t want. It is all lies. What cracks me up is the body of evidence that we have been repeatedly lied to over and over again, yet people still believe what they are told by politicians. This is the worst thing for this country and will destroy us from the inside out. I pray for this country, but if things keep going the way they are going, I won’t have a country to pray for. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is a great article!!!

This young man gives me hope! He is a young, Black Conservative and he writes an article what it is like to be just that. These are the kind of people that give me hope for our future. Here is a link to the article:

Please tell me Jerome you are planning to run for office. because if this is what you stand for, you have my vote!!!!!!!

I don't think Obama is stupid, but....

I have been out of town for the last 10 days and went backpacking in the San Juan Mountain range in Southwestern Colorado. I had some time to think and this is one of the things i figured I would blog about when I got back. I have to admit, it was a little nice to ponder the macro view of what is going on with this country when you are not bombarded by the daily news focusing on the little things happening in this country.

One of the thoughts I have been saying to myself ever since Obama has been elected is that people can't be this stupid. People can't believe that Socialist ideas are going to work, since they have NEVER worked in the past. What i have learned about people is, yes they are that stupid. And why are they that stupid... because of ignorance and laziness. They just choose to believe the bill of goods these politicians are selling and don't take the time to check up on the history of Socialism.

I used to hear the saying " Those who choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it". As a kid, I thought well we know the history, we have it in books, we have people who study it, how could we possible repeat the mistakes of the past. How naive I was then. What I didn’t take into account was that there are versions of history. There is the history that actually happened and there is the history that people wish happened and therefore represent it as the history in their minds.

And you know what, I get that. I am a white woman, born in the USA not so long ago. I can tell you my view on history is a lot different than let's say a black man who grew up during the civil rights movement. I'm not saying we all look at things the same. But we do have history on nations as a whole, we do have history on the rise and fall of nations past.

So this got me to thinking, Obama is a smart man, no doubt. But I fear his image of the past is much different than what really happened. I read his books and I see the skewed image of America. He lived in a much different America than I did. We had a lot of the same circumstances as children. A Father who left, Grandparents who help the Mother raise the child, a poor upbringing. The difference between him and I, I didn't see it as the world giving me a bad hand; I coped with it and became a stronger person from it. He views it as he struggled so much that he doesn't want others to go through what he did. But I hate to remind him, it is the struggles in life that build character and integrity and that is why he is where he is today.

His view of a Socialist History is far from what mine is. And I fear people believe his history, not mine. I have to think of the old saying my Mother used to tell me when I would do something stupid because all my friends were, "If everyone was jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?" What a great saying to drive home to a child. It says so much. No I wouldn't jump off a bridge, I would find out the reason hy they were jumping off the bridge, I would want to know the risk, how high it was, what would be the safety measures, etc. etc. So why don't people do that with the future of our country.

I think there are several kinds of people in this world, followers, leaders, the strong ones and weak ones, the players on the field and the benchwarmers. Not everyone has to be a leader, but they do need to be educated. And with the internet and modern advances it is easier than ever. I don't see it as a chore, but my duty as a citizen to uphold what my Founding Fathers willingly offered their lives for and the countless men and women who dies for my freedoms. I choose not to be ignorant, I choose not to follow. I choose to be the citizen this Country will need in order to survive and if we all consciously make that decision, this country will be what it once was!