Friday, April 23, 2010

SB1070 Passes in AZ! New Immigration Law

So some of you who aren't from Arizona, may not know what SB1070 is. It is a bill for "immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods". It basically gives local law enforcement the ability to question those they have "reasonable suspicion" to be in the country illegally, to prove (provide documentation) their citizenship or legal status to be in this country.

Read the Senate Fact Sheet here:

I know this has been a problem in the US; however, it is a HUGE problem in my home state of AZ. It has been a large factor in stressing our economic security by State funded assistance through hospitals, schools and food stamps to those here are not legal citizens.

Arizona has become the #2 place in the world for kidnappings due to Drug Cartel activity in Phoenix and our crime statistics have soared in the last 2 decades, since the illegal population has risen. The all to common story of repeat offenders in our court system of rapist and murders who were deported to come right back to commit these heinous crimes again is all to familiar to us here in Arizona.

We have begged for the Federal Government to send aide, to send help, since it is their job to secure our border, but unfortunately we have only received red tape. Our own former Governor Janet Napolitano now the current Homeland Security Secretary knows first hand the dilemma we are facing, yet her political views block the security our state so desperately needs.

So Arizona took a stand, we created a bill that will begin to give us the power as a state to protect the citizens who fear for their safety. I heard many protesters say today that they fear everyday their parents or they will be deported and that their families will be torn apart... do I feel for them, I do. I could only imagine the life they live in 3rd world countries, but that is choice they make. They choose to cross our border illegally, instead of doing it the right way. They say that becoming a citizen is too hard and they can't do it. The truth is they can do it legally; they just don't want to have to work for it. The families who are torn apart are facing a consequence of their action to come here illegally, not because Authorities want to tear families apart. It is the risk you take when you break the law… getting caught.

If someone is arrested for possession of drugs or for murder or theft, is it the authorities that are blamed for tearing their family apart when they are arrested and spend time in jail? No, and illegal immigration is no different.

I pray this Law is upheld in the many court trials I know it will face and show the Country that we will pull ourselves out of this mess if no one else will. It is about time AZ pulled it's self up by it's own bootstraps and took action!


Hockeyclimber said...

It is a tough thing to balance between mercy and giving refuge, and protecting citizens... I hope that as the law is executed, local law enforcement will exercise their authority in an honourable manner, and the authorities will have the wisdom to differentiate in each situation the intent of the law and when to apply the letter of the law.

Jennifer Milligan said...

I agree. It is a very fine line between too much Government control and just enough. I hope that this starts the discussion on how to fix the problem, not just one group or side deciding what to do.