Friday, April 23, 2010

SB1070 Passes in AZ! New Immigration Law

So some of you who aren't from Arizona, may not know what SB1070 is. It is a bill for "immigration; law enforcement; safe neighborhoods". It basically gives local law enforcement the ability to question those they have "reasonable suspicion" to be in the country illegally, to prove (provide documentation) their citizenship or legal status to be in this country.

Read the Senate Fact Sheet here:

I know this has been a problem in the US; however, it is a HUGE problem in my home state of AZ. It has been a large factor in stressing our economic security by State funded assistance through hospitals, schools and food stamps to those here are not legal citizens.

Arizona has become the #2 place in the world for kidnappings due to Drug Cartel activity in Phoenix and our crime statistics have soared in the last 2 decades, since the illegal population has risen. The all to common story of repeat offenders in our court system of rapist and murders who were deported to come right back to commit these heinous crimes again is all to familiar to us here in Arizona.

We have begged for the Federal Government to send aide, to send help, since it is their job to secure our border, but unfortunately we have only received red tape. Our own former Governor Janet Napolitano now the current Homeland Security Secretary knows first hand the dilemma we are facing, yet her political views block the security our state so desperately needs.

So Arizona took a stand, we created a bill that will begin to give us the power as a state to protect the citizens who fear for their safety. I heard many protesters say today that they fear everyday their parents or they will be deported and that their families will be torn apart... do I feel for them, I do. I could only imagine the life they live in 3rd world countries, but that is choice they make. They choose to cross our border illegally, instead of doing it the right way. They say that becoming a citizen is too hard and they can't do it. The truth is they can do it legally; they just don't want to have to work for it. The families who are torn apart are facing a consequence of their action to come here illegally, not because Authorities want to tear families apart. It is the risk you take when you break the law… getting caught.

If someone is arrested for possession of drugs or for murder or theft, is it the authorities that are blamed for tearing their family apart when they are arrested and spend time in jail? No, and illegal immigration is no different.

I pray this Law is upheld in the many court trials I know it will face and show the Country that we will pull ourselves out of this mess if no one else will. It is about time AZ pulled it's self up by it's own bootstraps and took action!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Status Update...

So last month marked one year since I have been writing this blog, and I think it is always good to look back from where you started to where you are now.

I have to say, I think the Nation has come a long way.

By Nation I don't mean Government, I mean this country's Citizens. A year ago when I spoke of all that I thought would happen with the economy, the background into all the White House staff, the Healthcare Plan, etc, etc...people told me I was crazy. I used to tell them, I hope you are right, I hope I am paranoid, but I knew in my gut I wasn't.

I hate that our freedoms have to be in jeopardy for people to wake up. That’s because we have been given freedom with a silver spoon my past generations and those who risk their lives everyday for our continued freedom; we just take it for granted. The quote that always comes to mind, when I think of these times is from Thomas Jefferson:

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty . . . And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

Most people ask if I am promoting a rebellion of force... Of Course Not, that would make me no better then William Aires or the other radicals running Washington right now. No, I believe our choice of weapon is our minds, our ideas, our patriotism, our determination and our Faith.

Just as Women fought for equality and Blacks fought for equality, so must we fight for our country. It is a harder battle to fight, no doubt. You will be called names, you pride will be hurt, and you will be stripped of all your dignity at times. They will attempt to push you to the limit to get you to cave or fight with violence. But you have to just stand there and repeat to yourself, "I don't care what they do to me, but I will not give up my freedom of... (insert desired freedom here)."

If they try to take away my freedom of speech, they will only make a law, I will never sit down and be quiet. They may try to silence those who choose to be honest with us and I will support them, regardless of the price I will pay.

You see, when I am asked to get up from a counter because I am not allowed to sit there or when I am asked to move to the back of the bus, I will refuse. They can spit in my face, they can use fire hoses on me, they can shoot me, but I will not back down.

We must inherit the determination of generations before us. That life is precious, but life without freedom is not a life I want to live. Regardless of what they threaten, we will bring this country back, but peacefully, without violence and without harm to anyone. They may harm us, but they cannot harm our spirit and our love for this country.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't play their game

I hear of the people who are sending threats to the politicians that have voted for the heath care bill and I say, SHAME ON THEM!

Shame on you for discrediting what level-headed Americans are trying to accomplish. Shame on you for turning to violence to say your words. Shame on you for giving the Progressives the ammunition they need to discredit the movement that could help bring our country back to what it should be. This makes you no different then them. You believe the end justifies the means. You think if violence makes them stop then it is OK. Well it's not.

Think of the people who are in charge. They are the 1960's radicals that used the same tactics and they learned from their mistakes. They learned that bombing federal buildings, threatening politicians, and violent protests did not get their message across, so they adapted. They, over a long period of time, have melted into main stream tactics with radical ideas. They also learned how they were treated like outsiders, how many dismissed them because of their tactics and they want us to do the same.

They want you to discredit yourself. Because although the message may be right, when you use violence to accomplish communication of that message, the message is lost and the only thing left standing is the heinous act of violence.

Learn from their mistakes and learn from the peaceful Civil Rights movement. It is through change of thought of our fellow citizens and leaders that this country will be changed. Focus on informing people not try to control them. Thought is far more powerful then any violent act. Think about rebuttals to progressive views and go armed to family gatherings and parties. Be the voice of reason not the fist of violence. For true justice and freedom are achieved through the battlefield of ideas, not at the barrel of a gun.

Glenn Beck said something today that made the best sense I have heard in a long time and one we all forget. We have the biggest weapon of all time that can never be beat. We have Faith and Prayer. Get on your knees and pray for God's guidance, strength and wisdom. Remember, this is his country and he can take it back and use peace to do it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Are we really surprised?

I know I'm not. What am I talking about, just the "biggest legislation passed since the Great Depression" Our beloved Healthcare Bill.

We knew this was his agenda all along. He said so in his election. I don;t know about all of you, but I knew when he made all those empty promises in his election, they were just that empty promises. But I understand the fact that those people who believe them need time to adjust to the fact that the man they elected as President is actually becoming the antithesis of what our Constitution stands for.

Sure I'll allow a day or two to lick your wounds and feel sorry for Americans. but after that, get off your lazy bums and do something about it! I anticipate that many more people will start to realize this is not a fight against Right vs. left or Republicans vs. democrats. It's a fight between freedom vs. socialism, the Constitution vs. Communist and Washington against the American People.

When people finally realize that there is not going to be one person that brings us out of this mess, that it will be us, the citizens of this great country that bring this country back, we will be better off. Quit depending on other for your information. Listen and then look into their allegations for yourself. Quit depending on Politicians to come up with the answers. Come up with them and share them with others.

I don’t know about you, but I actually agreed with the president when he said the same people that created this problem, can’t be the ones trusted to fix it. He was right; the only difference is I believe he is a large part of the creation of the problem. I think Washington should be wiped out. Meaning I don’t want any of them in office anymore. I want teachers, repair men, small business owners, hair dressers, Mothers, waitresses, taxi cab drivers, etc to be the Politicians of the future. Let’s encourage those who are the heart of this country to be the ones that bring it back to the center, as our Founding Fathers intended.

We can no longer delegate the protection of the freedoms of this country to our politicians; we must take the steps to ensure we protect those freedoms. It is only through us that this country will be saved!

Friday, March 19, 2010

****NEWS FLASH****

"Democrats are planning to introduce legislation later this spring that would permanently repeal annual Medicare cuts to doctors, but are warning lawmakers not to talk about it for fear that it will complicate their push to pass comprehensive health reform. The plans undercut the party's message that reform lowers the deficit, according to a memo obtained by POLITICO."


Please pass this on to all family and friends!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

They are no Founding Fathers

Is it just me or is this Congress the exact opposite of the Founding Fathers? Our Founding Fathers stood up and wanted to be counted, they signed the Bill of Rights and sent it to their king to show they were no longer going to live under his thumb. They knew they were signing a death warrant and yet it was so much the right thing to do they were willing to die for it. This Congress won't even put their name on a bill as big as this one. If this is History in the making like I have heard so many times, why the need to keep those who vote for it secret? They are cowards and DO NOT REPRESENT ME OR AMERICA!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

By any means necessary...

I have done a lot of research on progressive tactics. One being "By any means necessary" is a huge one and it is being pushed hard in the attempts to pass Healthcare in Congress.

What does that mean? That means it doesn't matter what they have to do to pass healthcare; the end justifies the means. That means lying, cheating, bribing, threatening to get a bill passed and ramming through a bill the American people do not want.

I have seen it all throughout the process this past year, but none more than today when I heard Speaker Pelosi is trying to use the House process of "self-executing rule" or a "deem and pass". What is this process? The House would vote on a more popular package of corrections to the Senate bill; under the House rule for that vote, passage would signify that lawmakers "deem" the health-care bill to be passed.

So in other words, the House doesn't vote on the bill, they just vote to deem it passed. Pelosi actually said, it will protect the members of the House to not have to actually vote for the Healthcare bill... Protect them from what…their moral and ethical obligation to their constituents? The wrath they will feel when they let this pass against their constituent’s wishes?

In other words, if a House member votes to pass the bill via the "deem and pass" method, they are voting for the bill. For the words of the president back on the campaign trail where he stated that Healthcare could not be passed by a 51 member vote, they would need a 60 majority in the Senate to thinking it is ok not actually vote on the bill in the House to get the bill through says to me, they are passing this with any means necessary.

I think this process was needed for the American people to see just how corrupt our Government officials are and how they are working for an agenda and not for their constituents or the preservation of our freedoms. I have lost faith in my government but not in America. Pray for the preservation of our Freedoms and America as we know it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Character is something I don't see to often these days. Call me a crazy, but my Character is one of the most valuable things I have. The reason... on my judgment day I don't want to have to answer for my wrong doings. That is my ultimate fear, loosing my soul. Any consequence I receive for doing the right thing, never seems to great that I would not do the right thing.

Oh, I think about the other side sometimes. I am human and in the past, I have done the wrong thing, ohhhhhhh have I done the wrong thing, but... I learned. I learned that doing the wrong thing not only felt bad, but the consequences were not worth the gain of doing the wrong thing.

So I learned that when I look someone in the eye and tell them I will be there, or I will do something or that they can count on me; I would do anything to do just that. That when someone asks me a question, I will be honest, regardless of what I believe they will think of my answer.

This is the core dysfunction with this country right now. We have allowed to many to do the wrong thing and have rewarded those who do the wrong thing, including our Government. Normally people tell me that I shouldn't expect out of others, what I expect out of myself because I will just be disappointed... that may be the case. But I choose to not just expect, but demand the same from my elected officials. If we all find our Character and hold ourselves accountable, we can do the same for others. We need to get back to a time when your word is your bond and the content of character is your wealth.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I think I understand a little more....

I made a connection this weekend, with a Liberal, if you can believe that :-)

I was talking with a friend who is a self-proclaimed Liberal and I really dove into her beliefs. What she thought about the issues of today, what she thinks are the solutions and I understood her main objective, to make this country and world perfect. Where no one is hungry, everyone lives a long and happy life, no child is unwanted and no one goes without clothing and shelter.

Can I relate to her... YES!

I would want all of that too; the difference... I know that is not reality. She truly believes that through government we can accomplish all of those things. That it is people who are bad and do not want to help others and that the select few who are in power can force charity on others.

The problem is, how do you know the people in power are not subject to the same greed and power hunger the rest of us are? You don't. Power over others is one of the most attractive trait most would want. Unfortunately most do not want that power for good, but for selfish reasons of fame, notoriety and forced adoration.

I on the other hand believe that "The People" have a better moral compass than the Government; in fact I believe the government's compass has been broken for quite some time. The thing is, I believe that the Government running things leaves too much power in the hands of few and that a capitalist Republic, places the power in the hands of the people. Although there may be evils that come with Capitalism, I would never deny that, I think those evils are few compared to the advantage of the system.

I believe what we have to make clear to those who believe "Government knows best" is THAT government does not exist. A limited government is a good government, that the People's Government is the best government. If we can convince them this Utopia does not exist and actually the closet we got to it was under the Founding Fathers of this country. That is how they will accomplish what they want for everyone, is by letting The People be the driving force behind the charity, not the Government.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The way to beat the Progressive Movement is to first understand the progressive Movement.

You know that old saying; "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Now I am not suggesting that you make a friend with a Progressive so you know what makes them tick... well actually, yeah that is what I am saying.

My parents are raging Liberals. They choose to believe everything the party on the left says and take it as fact. They never do their own homework and they too have been sucked into the false history most of us have been taught in the public school system and then Progressive colleges.

For years I used to argue with them, until I realized it was never about them listening to me, but trying to convert me and that is when I made a bad decision. I decided to stop listening to them. We would avoid political conversation all together because we just couldn't get along. Tempers would flair and then we would end up having to agree to disagree, but no headway was made on my part or theirs.

But then I made another decision, to start listening to them, not debating, not arguing, just listen to them. How am I to understand the other side when I don't listen to the other side? Through this decision I have deepened my beliefs and broadened my knowledge on what I already knew was true and that is the Conservative point of view. The more I listen the more I learn how they think, the more I realize that most Everyday Progressives are very trusting people and still believe that politicians are people of integrity and trust. When I listen to progressive speak (without interruption from me) Most "facts" they site or the words of politicians, not their actions. The problem is that Progressives place their trust in the wrong people. They place their trust in Governement, in Politicians, I place my trust in the people.

A perfect example... I was talking with a Liberal friend in a conversation, "In the State of The Union Address by President Obama this week, it frustrates me that he thinks that Government creates job. The Government doesn't create jobs; business create jobs. Government can only hinder job production the more they get involved, so they should just get out of the way and let Capitalism work." She stated, "I actually heard him say those exact words, that Businesses create jobs, so he thinks the same way." That’s when I realized we can listen to the exact same speech but because of her "trust" of the politician she heard that statement and then shut off listening after that. What she missed was how directly after that statement, the President explained how Government was going to make it possible for job production and how we need to pass the "Job's Bill" ASAP and have it on his desk (i.e. a 3rd stimulus, but that is a topic for another day). So what I heard was the president is going to say this first statement, so technically he can say he said business create jobs, but in actuality, he want Government to be responsible for creating those jobs, because when they control the job market they control the people.

We think so differently than they do. We really do want what the Founding Fathers laid out for us in the Constitution; a Government of limited powers, to protect the Individual’s inalienable, God-Given rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. They didn't include what the Government should do on our behalf, because that is when tyranny can creep in and that is not a free nation.

Just as I research history and just as I look to the past for answers to today’s problems, I am also researching the other side. Talking to people and understanding what makes them tick. Find the different degrees of progressives, Liberals and Radicals. It really is a portal to our understanding on how to defeat those who wish to squash the freedoms our God has granted us.