All over the Nation, thousands will protest our current Government's spending spree by making our voices heard on the day we are expected to pay for it. Why will these politicians not listen to us "We The People"; because they think we don’t care, because they think we don’t want to worry about it, because they think we are not smart enough and last but not least, they think we aren't watching. But we are watching, we are analyzing and we are waking up to the fact that this is not the country we lived in when we were children... we are not the country we were 10 years ago. If we can create a movement that cannot be ignored, we can take the fate of this country back. I encourage everyone to join the peaceful protest on April 15th in your local capitals, town squares and community centers. I know where the info is for Arizona (check out this website: ) But other can go to to find where their local Tea Party will be held. If this isn't your cup of "tea" (I know that was a sad joke) then get involved by writing your President, Senator and Representative. Let's make our voices so loud; we can no longer be ignored!

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