I was about ready to jump and then I heard about this web site... now I am good. If I didn't read the warning signs of suicide on this site...
-Threatening to hurt or kill oneself or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself
-Looking for ways to kill oneself
-Thinking or fantasying about suicide
-Acting recklessly
-Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life
I would have never known this meant I was suicidal?? Once again, they save the day. Geese, I am so happy I have a government that would take the time to create this place for me to go so I can keep "Trying to keep things in perspective - recognize the good aspects of life and retain hope for the future." Because that's what they are all about, Hope & Change!!!!!
You have to see this for yourself: http://www.samhsa.gov/economy/
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thank goodness for the Government & their "Getting Through Tough Economic Times" web site!
Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Glenn Beck giving it to Connecticut's attorney general!!!
Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Thoughts on the Tea Party, April 15th
I was Gun Hoe for this idea in the beginning, but I have been doing a lot of praying and I have come to the conclusion that although it is "something" we can do, but I feel it in not enough. I feel as though this protest would be a Band-Aid on a problem that goes much deeper than just no longer spending our money like it grows on trees (or at least a printing press at the Fed). The problem we have with this country is that people refuse to stand up and be counted, not just by our Government, but by our friends, family and co-workers.
When was the last time a subject came up about Abortion, Global Warming, The Stimulus Plan, Homosexuality or dare I say Jesus and you spoke what you truly believe?? I know I can say that I have been provided opportunities in the past and I have let those opportunities to speak for the truth and for God pass me by. I made a commitment to myself and to God awhile ago, that I will no longer let those opportunities pass me by. I choose to speak up when a conversation goes to a topic I believe in. Even at the cost of offending those involved or perhaps even jeopardizing friendships and worker relationships, I believe I must do this. I have done this for a while now and I must admit, my friend list has shrunk; however, I rather offend them, then God.
Now I do not advocate brining up these issues everywhere you go or even trying to push your opinion on others, I believe that if the subject is brought up and you have an opportunity to represent the Lord, I believe we should take it as a gift from God to be an advocate for him.
This is why I believe the Tea Party is a start and I might even go down there myself, but, I believe we need to be bolder, we need to be stronger and we need to unite in Christ and come back to the beliefs of our Founding Fathers, return to a Nation Under God! Start by living the Principles and Values that are given to us by God. Educate yourself on the birth of this country, so we know when to speak up against those who are trying to destroy it. Without knowledge we have nothing. Ignorance is no excuse. You have time for TV, time for fun, time for vices… now it is time to make time for this Country and our Faith.
Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Cap-and-trade - 'Largest tax increase of all time'
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 3/30/2009 6:00:00 AM
The EPA has released an endangerment finding on carbon dioxide.

Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
April 15th - Tea Party!!!

Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let's Get Started!!!!!

One of the reasons I came up with the idea is because I watch Glenn Beck and he encouraged all of us to get together and just talk with our communities and share our knowledge so we can try and bring the country back to what it once was and perhaps better than it has ever been! I also like the idea, because when I do speak with others about political issues, I learn so much about different viewpoints, new ideas and better information than what I had before.

This Blog will be a place we can go to find out information on the group, past topics and new ones coming up. I know I have a couple books I have been reading lately and it has really broadened my horizons on American History and how this country should be now. It will be a work in progress, so please have patience with it. It can also be used as a tool to show anyone that you may tell about the group, as a reference and a way to "check it out" before they decide to come. It will always be a policy to invite whomever you wish, the more the merrier!! (You can also comment on any entry with the "comments" link below each post)
So far, we have come to the conclusions that Mondays & Thursdays work great for us. So feel free to let me know which is better. I work a 8-5 job, so I would be able to make it anytime after 5:30pm (giving me time to drive there) Also, I know where Pam & John live, But I am not sure where you live Mrs. Swanson, so we can figure out a good place to meet that is close to all of us. If you live by Pam & John, we can meet somewhere in Carefree if that works for all of you, as I drive past Carefree on my way home everyday. Also, I am completely willing to offer up my home in Anthem. But I know it is far from most, so we don't have to meet there. If anyone does decide to offer their home as a meeting place, just know that new members or visitors may come with others. I know I have a few friends that may make it some of the meetings, but not all.

I suggest we meet either every-other week or once a month. We can also change as we go, to see what works best for everyone. Many of these things can be discussed in our first meet-up.
Feel free to e-mail me at anytime: jmilligan14@cox.net with any questions.
Posted by Jennifer Milligan at 10:23 AM 0 comments