Friday, January 29, 2010

The way to beat the Progressive Movement is to first understand the progressive Movement.

You know that old saying; "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." Now I am not suggesting that you make a friend with a Progressive so you know what makes them tick... well actually, yeah that is what I am saying.

My parents are raging Liberals. They choose to believe everything the party on the left says and take it as fact. They never do their own homework and they too have been sucked into the false history most of us have been taught in the public school system and then Progressive colleges.

For years I used to argue with them, until I realized it was never about them listening to me, but trying to convert me and that is when I made a bad decision. I decided to stop listening to them. We would avoid political conversation all together because we just couldn't get along. Tempers would flair and then we would end up having to agree to disagree, but no headway was made on my part or theirs.

But then I made another decision, to start listening to them, not debating, not arguing, just listen to them. How am I to understand the other side when I don't listen to the other side? Through this decision I have deepened my beliefs and broadened my knowledge on what I already knew was true and that is the Conservative point of view. The more I listen the more I learn how they think, the more I realize that most Everyday Progressives are very trusting people and still believe that politicians are people of integrity and trust. When I listen to progressive speak (without interruption from me) Most "facts" they site or the words of politicians, not their actions. The problem is that Progressives place their trust in the wrong people. They place their trust in Governement, in Politicians, I place my trust in the people.

A perfect example... I was talking with a Liberal friend in a conversation, "In the State of The Union Address by President Obama this week, it frustrates me that he thinks that Government creates job. The Government doesn't create jobs; business create jobs. Government can only hinder job production the more they get involved, so they should just get out of the way and let Capitalism work." She stated, "I actually heard him say those exact words, that Businesses create jobs, so he thinks the same way." That’s when I realized we can listen to the exact same speech but because of her "trust" of the politician she heard that statement and then shut off listening after that. What she missed was how directly after that statement, the President explained how Government was going to make it possible for job production and how we need to pass the "Job's Bill" ASAP and have it on his desk (i.e. a 3rd stimulus, but that is a topic for another day). So what I heard was the president is going to say this first statement, so technically he can say he said business create jobs, but in actuality, he want Government to be responsible for creating those jobs, because when they control the job market they control the people.

We think so differently than they do. We really do want what the Founding Fathers laid out for us in the Constitution; a Government of limited powers, to protect the Individual’s inalienable, God-Given rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. They didn't include what the Government should do on our behalf, because that is when tyranny can creep in and that is not a free nation.

Just as I research history and just as I look to the past for answers to today’s problems, I am also researching the other side. Talking to people and understanding what makes them tick. Find the different degrees of progressives, Liberals and Radicals. It really is a portal to our understanding on how to defeat those who wish to squash the freedoms our God has granted us.


Anonymous said...

The government can create jobs. I am a teacher. I work for the government. So does my cop friend and my soldier friend. Of course business creates the most jobs and that's what would happen in an ideal world. But the government CAN and does create jobs that benefit society.

And BTW many progressives are among the sharpest critics of the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

Yes the government created those jobs, but look what is happening. Unfunded pensions, that tax payers cannot afford. In new Jersey, they are charging for ambulance rides because there is not enough tax revenue to support those services. Government cannot create money to support these jobs/services. They can only take the money from citizens and private business to give as it sees fit.